The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 12th, 2010

August 12th, 2010

Drabble: Like Cures Like

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Title: Like Cures Like
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Warnings: silly!

fic search

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I’m looking for two m-preg stories.  I can’t find them, can’t remember who wrote them or even for what fest or challenge if any.  So here goes.  The first one (I’m thinking ellid here) Remus rescues (or is allowed) to take preggers Severus out of Azkaban.  Poppy is called, Severus gestates.  The baby is born at a later date in Remus’ house and there is a medical report done on all three of them (Remus for scratches and broken fingers I believe).  At the end they stay together…kinda vague I know.


The next is one where Severus is carrying the Dark Lord’s baby.  Remus finds Severus (I think in a cave of sorts, Order rescue in process as well I believe) and they perform a ritual (hotness is involved) that makes the baby Remus’ instead.  If I only had a brain!


Bueller, Bueller? Anyone, anyone? *g*


Thanks!!ETA: Found by the lovelies on lj the links are there too!


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