The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 17th, 2010

July 17th, 2010

Fantasy fest drabble: The Meaning of an Apple

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The Meaning of an Apple

Pairing: Severus/Remus
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/humour
Word count: 486
Prompt: An apple for teacher

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Fantasy Fest Drabble: What Do You See? (Drabble 1 of a two part drabble)

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Title: What Do You See?
Author: whitestar (whitestar_alpha on Live Journal)
Characters: Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Lily Evans
Rating: G
Warnings: AU
Summary: We can never predict what will happen when we meet someone for the first time. Sometimes it's more magical than you can imagine.
Prompt: dd24 - That magic moment our eyes met. Any rating.
Notes: Two drabble set - Drabble 1, for [info]lupin_snape Fantasy Fest 2010.
Betas: [info]et_tu_lj, [info]brighty18 on Live Journal. Thank you so much for you help! :D

What Do You See? - Drabble 1 )

Continued in Drabble 2 - What Do You See? - Drabble 2

Fantasy Fest Drabble: What Do You See? (Drabble 2 of a two part drabble)

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Title: What Do You See?
Author: whitestar (whitestar_alpha on Live Journal)
Characters: Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Lily Evans
Rating: G
Warnings: AU
Summary: We can never predict what will happen when we meet someone for the first time. Sometimes it's more magical than you can imagine.
Prompt: dd24 - That magic moment our eyes met. Any rating.
Notes: Two drabble set - Drabble 2, for [info]lupin_snape Fantasy Fest 2010.
Betas: [info]et_tu_lj, [info]brighty18 on Live Journal. Thank you so much for you help! :D

What Do You See? - Drabble 2 )

What Do You See? - Drabble 1
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