The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 24th, 2010

June 24th, 2010

New editors

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I'm pleased to announce that the [info]snupin_prophet newsletter will resume posting soon** thanks to two new editors: [info]bonfoi and [info]kittylefish. They'll be the active editors for the newsletter, and while I'll still be around as consultant and community maintainer, I won't be posting except on an as-needed basis.

A big thank you to the new editors for helping keep the RL/SS newsletter going! :D

**I don't know an exact date; that's for our new editors to decide.

Snupin Remix: Story Gift the second for Tetsubinatu

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Mod note: A snafu has led to what I hope you all will consider a good thing - an extra story! Normally, it would be gifted to the community, but because this is a Remix, there's no hiding who was remixed. I hope everyone will understand. I believe that both remixes are different enough to stand alone without comparison. Our final gift will be posted tomorrow.

Title: The Muggle Solution
Author: Lil' Remix-Up
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Disclaimer: Mpreg. Masturbation. Sirius/OFC.
Summary: Severus wants a family. Remus needs some cash. Will they both find what they need in a Muggle medical clinic?
Notes: ~9000 words. Original Story: Essential Qualities of a Sperm Donor by Tetsubinatu. As such, it is both firmly AU and not at all DH-compatible.

The Muggle Solution )
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