The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 9th, 2010

June 9th, 2010

FIFA World Cup Betting Pool

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The FIFA World Cup will start soon, and I can imagine Remus already being excited. Snape, on the other hand, will mock a sport that's so "earthbound." He will, however, soon learn how much of a turn on football is for a certain werewolf. Who knows, they might even start a betting game, the winner being in charge for the rest of the night.

So why not have a betting game ourselves? The mods were so awesome to approve of this promo, and I can't help to admire their Slytherin streak. Because the more Snupin fans participate, the more Snupin-themed drabbles may be the outcome!

[community profile] hp_worldcup_bets is a new community for HP fans who like football (soccer). We thought it would be fun to have a World Cup betting pool. Participating is easy. You bet a drabble (a very short ficlet of about 100 - 500 words) and guess the world champion. If you lose, you write a drabble. If you win, you get your share of drabbles.

banner by [personal profile] winterwitch

[Rules & Guidelines] * [Bets]

To help promote [community profile] hp_worldcup_bets, please copy the code and post it to your journal:

Snupin Remix: Story Gift for Bronze_Ribbons

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Title: Under Cover
Author or Artist: Remix Master
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Disclaimer: Threesome; technically moresome. I do not own this universe.
Summary: Sacrifices must be made when the rest of the world must think them enemies.
Notes: Original story: Covered by [info]bronze_ribbons

Under Cover )
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