The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 19th, 2010

April 19th, 2010

Fic post: Great Amphitrite, PG

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Title: Great Amphitrite
Pairing: Snape/Lupin (implied)
Rating: PG
Summary: two damaged men seek healing at the oldest of shrines
Note: this began as a series of drabbles for [info]snape100 and [info]lupin100

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Fic post: Scent of a Rose

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Title: The Scent of a Rose
Rating: PG
Summary: Snape and Lupin find themselves asked to assist Narcissa Malfoy in preserving a historic artifact. Unfortunately, not every inhabitant of Malfoy Manor agrees with their plan.
Note: this was originally a series of interconnected drabbles for the [info]snape100 and [info]lupin100 drabble communities.

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Snupin Showers 19: Werewolf Bibliography and Plotbunnies

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I had planned to post a short ficlet for my Snupin Showers entry, but it got a little out of hand and isn't finished yet. However, I did have this prepared as a back-up just in case, and I will try to get the fic done and posted as soon as possible. The fic is done--you can find it here!

I love reading about werewolves, so I thought I would share a few books/series about werewolves that I really enjoyed, and take a look at how those werewolves compare and contrast with HP werewolves. I also came up with some potential Snupin crossover plotbunnies. I would like to work on the bunnies someday, but as I already have a backlog of projects lined up, please feel free to help yourself to any bunnies that catch your fancy!


Contains a few spoilers below the cut... )

Fic post: Royal Wedding, G

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Title: Royal Wedding
Pairing: Snape/Lupin pre-slash/friendship
Rating: G
Summary: Dumbledore has assembled the Order to cast a very special spell for a royal wedding
Note: this is set during the wedding of Charles and Diana in 1981. It began as a series of drabbles for the Snape100 and Lupin100 community.

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Fic Post: Hotel Transylvania

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Title: Hotel Transylvania
Pairing: Snape/Lupin pre-slash
Rating: PG
Summary: A Muggle construction project in Spinner's End wreaks havoc.
Note: this began as a series of drabbles in the Snape100 and Lupin100 communities

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