The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 5th, 2010

April 5th, 2010

for april showers...

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This was written for HPValensmut 2010.  Never posted it here.  I have a new piece for later!  Hope you all enjoy!

Title: A Long Time Coming
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,929
Warnings: chair sex, hairpulling, threesome
Summary: Remus/Severus and Remus/Severus/Sirius Remus believes Sirius and Severus have impure thoughts about each other and he sets out to prove it.
Disclaimers: no castle, no harm, no foul
Notes: Sorry, not only did I bend canon, but I broke it. Set post 2nd-war Sirius is back via Harry and the Resurrection stone. I apologize for the lack of plot, but the smut overtook me! Many thanks to e for the speedy beta!

for april showers

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Another item I hadn't posted here.....

Title: An Accounting
Category: 3 (ages 21-30)
[Character(s)/Pairing(s)]: Snape/Lupin
Rating: R to be safe
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): Nnoen
Word Count: 1,490
Summary: Severus journals his birthdays from age 21-27

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Title: Cardamom, Nigella Seeds and Love

Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,515

Disclaimer:  I'm still a brunette from Chicago.
Warnings: unbeta’d.  Fluff!!! If you’re still on your Easter candy buzz this could send you into a sugar coma!! Soppy ending, I don't read warnings so I'm not sure why I write them!!




cardamom )

New Housemates

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A friend of mine and I like to challenge each other to get the other to write quick fics. We give each other a random pairing, prompt, max word count and 3 random words we have to include in the story. One day my friend gave me a Snupin challenge (yay). Here's the result:

Pairing: Severus/Remus

Prompt: Fish tank

Fic must contain the words: piranha, toilet brush, Patronus

Max 600 words

Disclaimer: Don't own them, but I love them.

Warning: written in a hurry, silly, fluff, not betaed etc. etc.

New Housemates )

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