The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 13th, 2010

February 13th, 2010

Vid: Snupin.-.Right Where You Are [R] Happy Valentine's Day~

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I'm sorry that LJ is almost inaccessible for me recently, so I could only post here rather than both sides. 
Happy Valentine's Day~~^^
Title: HarryPotter.Snupin.Fanvid.-.Right Where You Are
Song: Cross Every River BY Maria Arredondo
Vidder:[info]lzqsk (also Doris) 
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: R
blood, m/m relationship 
Ministry of Magic hunting werewolves, so Snape kicked Lupin away, but unfortunately Lupin was still got caught. After out of prison he went to Greyback's pack as a spy. Time goes by, Lupin left his wife eventually and decided to go back.
All the image and music clips belong to their owners.
No copyright infringement intended.
I own nothing but love to our heroes.


Romantic Craft/Fic Rec: A Bit of Whimsy by snapesgirl [G]

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Needing some love of my own, I went looking and realized I hadn't checked out the [info]severusb4's (The Severus Big Bang Birthday Bash)! Well, there was this wonderful piece of knitting by [info]snapesgirl that blows my mind! It also made me giggle!

Why I recommend it: Remus and Severus' love is unconventional, fraught with pinpricks of pride and self-doubt, and pearls of wisdom. "A Bit of Whimsy" by [info]snapesgirl captures those bits and more in her quirky expression of Severus love.

What I saw: Knitted, pearled and woven with love, Severus is snarky and wonderfully long-legged while Remus is not-at-all-tatty in his woolly splendor. Together, they are a work of art telling a lovely story.

February Challenge: Letters to Lupin

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Title: Owl Post
Artist: [info]shadowycat
Rating: G
Media: Pencil, pen, and marker

Letters to Lupin: Owl Post )
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