The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 10th, 2010

February 10th, 2010

Romantic Fic Rec: Undercover by cordeliadelayne [NC17]

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There are many people who enjoy writing Snupin (and those of you who contribute to [info]snupin100 are lucky enough to know who I'm talking about). None other than than [info]cordeliadelayne who wrote Undercover (a gift for [info]severity_softly), on LJ 2006-09-18.

Why I recommend it: I've always been a sucker for romance and humor. In this fic, we get undercover spies, Severus Snape and stockings...and, well, I can't give the rest away! *grin* But I did laugh as Remus shows how much he's changed after the war. I didn't see this as NC17, but I rated it as the author did.

My summary: Doing penance for his crimes, Severus Snape partners with Remus Lupin, who treats their time together differently. So differently that capturing Draco Malfoy is just a blip in the (love) story.
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