The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 3rd, 2010

January 3rd, 2010

A Thank You to the wonderful, hard-working Mods of Snupin Santa

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This is just a little bit of fluff (PG-13 for language?) to say thank you to Snupin Santa and her elves for doing such a wonderful job with this year’s fest! Your dedication and hard work make Snupin Santa a delight to participate in and enjoy. Thank you so much for all your hard work. It brightened my holiday season, and I'm sure it did the same for many others.

ETA: Many thanks to Lore for her encouragement with this piece. :D

In Snape’s bedroom one recent afternoon… )

Rec round-up

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Just wanted to remind everyone who's reccing Snupin Santa fest stories that I'm collecting recs here on LJ and here on IJ.

This is the last reminder I'll post before the reveal! You have through January 6 to rec before the reveal; I'll post the master list on the morning of January 7. After the master list goes up, I will no longer track and submit Snupin Santa recs to the newsletters. Authors and artists will be responsible for keeping up with any post-reveal recs for their works themselves.

Please post rec links in the comments of the posts listed above so I can keep track of recs more easily, and if you'd include the title of the work(s) you're reccing, that would be really helpful as well. Thanks!
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