The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 29th, 2008

December 29th, 2008

Story: Taste, for snegurochka_lee

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Taste, for [info]snegurochka_lee
Rated: NC17
Warnings: Canon character deaths, explicit bestiality, slight bondage, alpha!Remus and a little blood.
Summary: Severus has never forgotten the taste of the honey-tasting kiss Remus gave him on a warm spring day at Hogwarts. But there is more to Remus than honey and kisses and sweetness. Severus realises that when Albus Dumbledore wants him to play errand boy and deliver Wolfsbane to Lupin the day before full moon.
Word count: 16524

Art: Cigarette, for maggie_umbra

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Cigarette, for [info]maggie_umbra
Rated: work safe
Summary: When he turned back Snape had lit a cigarette and was staring at him coldly.
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