The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 23rd, 2008

December 23rd, 2008

Story: The Gryffindor Gambit, for drachenmina

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The Gryffindor Gambit, for [info]drachenmina
Rated: NC17
Other pairing: Remus/Charlie
Summary: Two years after the war - and his divorce - Remus thinks he's found love once more; Severus decides it's up to him to keep Remus from making another stupid mistake, and he'll do so by any means necessary.
Word count: 9395

Art: Birthday Kiss, for midnight_birth

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Birthday Kiss, for [info]midnight_birth
Rated: mildly NWS
Summary: The door swung open and Remus couldn't help but reel back from Severus's furious expression. The latter's hair and clothed were disheveled, and he was covered in some kind of white powder and something red and sticky. Remus had seen the look a few times before, and it meant no good. Something had gone horribly wrong, he could just sense it.
Before Remus got as much as a "hello" out, he was pulled in and the door was slammed shut behind him.

"You don't usually come home so early," Severus growled, practically ripping Remus's coat off. He turned Remus around to face him and pressed their lips together. The kiss had potential to turn passionate, but it was over almost as soon as it began.
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