The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 30th, 2008

August 30th, 2008

That boy - Part 3 of 5 - fantasy fest '08 - REVISED

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Title: That Boy - Part 3 of 5
Author: Tetsubinatu
Rating: M because of the F-word
Wordcount (this part): about 1350
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lupin
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Summary: Long-fic Challenge 25 -- Post-war, plausible survival scenario, established relationship (either new or long-standing). Somehow R finds out that Sirius left a child, and wants to adopt it. I like my S snarky, but not cruel. Any rating. Happy endings are best! :)
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just for fun.
Warnings: none

Part 1
Part 2

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That boy - Part 4 of 5 - fantasy fest '08 - REVISED

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Title: That Boy - Part 4 of 5, probably
Author: Tetsubinatu
Rating: M because of the F-word
Wordcount (this part): about 900
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lupin
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Summary: Long-fic Challenge 25 -- Post-war, plausible survival scenario, established relationship (either new or long-standing). Somehow R finds out that Sirius left a child, and wants to adopt it. I like my S snarky, but not cruel. Any rating. Happy endings are best! :)
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just for fun.
Warnings: written in haste

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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Fantasy Fest: Short Fic Prompt #44 - Three Words, Eight Letters - Pt 1

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Title: Three Words, Eight Letters Part 1 - Revelations (1/5?)
Author: whitestar_alpha (also whitestar on IJ)
Characters: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Sirius Black/OC, Harry Potter
Rating: PG (this part)
Word count: 5836
Warnings: AU, post-war, angst, gen, h/c, non-canon, romance, slash, suggestive banter
Summary: After the War, Remus awakes in St. Mungo's and finds out that Severus is alive and was always working for the Order. Regret and desire create their own war within Remus as he tries to regain what he thought he once lost.
Prompt: Written for the lupin_snape Fantasy Fest 2008. Short fic Prompt #44 -- S&R survived DH. After Harry's revelation, many people owe Severus apology -- including Remus.
Notes: I'm very new to fanfic writing. This is my first attempt at a festival prompt. Its turning out much longer that I expected and I apologise for it being late. This won't be finished by the cut-off date, but I will finish it because if I don't, I'll drive myself crazy! I also know what it's like to read an unfinished fic. So whoever asked for this do not fear, I won't do that to you, this will be completed. Many thanks to my betas: [info]cardigrl, [info]drachenmina, [info]hobgoblinn, starcrossed (kibatsu on LJ/ [info]starcrossdkayla on IJ). Special thanks to [info]starcrossdkayla for the hand-holding in working through this fic. I know I would have never even tried writing if it wasn't for her.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the "Harry Potter" characters in this fic, except for my own created characters. No money is made from this fic.

Three Words, Eight Letters )
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