The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 2nd, 2008

August 2nd, 2008

Fantasy Fest short prompt fic: Tunnel of Love (R/S)

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Author: [info]skree_ratling
Rating: R
Warnings: Public sex. Sort of.
Wordage: 1500
Prompt: 18 - PWP. Frotting in a subway/train. Other people are there but R manages to position himself just right not be seen too much.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Blah blah.

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(And now I can claim a second prompt, yes? Even if it's already been claimed? Don't think it has, but just in case...)


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For my paper at [info]snupin_meeting (and I claim kudos, by the way, for having THE most boring paper), I wrote about any possible signs that there could be a relationship between Severus and Remus in canon.

You can read it (if you're very, very bored) here:Snupin Canon

Fantasy Fest: Long Fic Prompt #34

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Title: Dear Diary--Part 3
Rating: Soft NC-17
Words: ~2,610 (this part)
Warnings: A bit of Sirius/Remus, Awful timing
Disclaimer: JKR made 'um, I just take them out to play.
Prompt: 34 -- Fic written as the journal entries of R, S, or both for a year of their relationship. Any time period is great (first war, PoA, OotP, post-war AU?). Angst, UST, complications, first time maybe...but a feel-good fic overall.
Notes: Because this fic is a journal, I'll be posting a few entries at a time.  Enjoy!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 )

Comments are always appreciated. 

Onto Part 4!

Art: Snupin Ninja vs. Pirate

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What's cooler than Snupin Pirates?

Snupin Ninja vs. Pirate! )

And then ... I started considering what would be even more awesome. And yes, Chart, in this case the word is 'awesome', possibly spelt 'awe-sum'.
Not Snupin. Just ridiculous.

If Gryffindor are pirates and Slytherins are ninjas... )
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