The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 9th, 2008

July 9th, 2008

More prompts needed!

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Prompting for Fantasy Fest theoretically ends tomorrow night, but if I don't feel we have enough prompts for the number of people interested in participating, I guess I'll leave the poll up through the weekend.

Go here to fill out the prompt poll. Remember, offering a prompt DOES NOT mean you have to participate as a creator. No one will even know if you offered prompts until the fest is over - so don't be shy!

love, lore

Snupin Con Program

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The programming for our Snupin tiny-con in London is now looking slightly academic. We still have room for a few more participants, so if you're interested, contact [info]snapelike as soon as possible. More info can be found @ [info]snupin_meeting.

We're going to attempt Podcasting the event, at least the serious part of it. We are going to make a few posts before and during the con to ask for your help and some prompts, so watch out for those.

Program for Snupin Tiny-con, London 22-24th July )
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