The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 1st, 2008

June 1st, 2008

Fic update! The Sinful Wager (4/?)

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Some of you may vaaaaguely recall me writing a story for the swap thing, oh about three months ago? Skitty's Regency Snupin thing? I *finally* posted another chapter. Amazing what my birthday and insomnia (i.e. no sleep!) will do.

My apologies, however, for such a long gap. Writers block, lost the handwritten and real life has just been a bit of a pain. Anyway, can get to the story at my insanejournal account or by clicking here


Fic: A Brief Thesis on Sexual Endurance, by Prof. R.J. Lupin

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Title: A Brief Thesis on Sexual Endurance, by Prof. R.J. Lupin
Author: [info]nehalenia
Characters: Severus Snape, Remus Lupin
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Light bondage and a bit of crack. Oh, and the usual man-sex stuff.
Word Count: 2400
Summary: The Masters and Johnson of the Wizarding world? Uhh... No.
Author's notes: Originally posted to [info]daily_deviant. Many thanks to [info]blpaintchart for her Brit-picking expertise and patience, and to [info]ships_harry for picking the fic up with a pair of tongs and hitting it with a blowtorch.

A Brief Thesis on Sexual Endurance, by Prof. R.J. Lupin )

Dark Side Challenge: Art: Puppet Master (NC17/NWS)

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Title: Puppet Master
Author: [info]nepenth
Rating: NC17/NWS
Challenge: Darkside Challenge
Summary: lupin is not submissive, one could easily see he enjoyed being a puppet master.
Disclaimer: not mine, just borrowing.
Warnings: blood & bondage.
Notes: i asked [info]snegurochka_lee for promts and yeah, sadly i didn't get around to using either a cauldron nor the room of requirement. sorry.

a master is only as good as the puppet he controls )

DARKSIDE CHALLENGE: Fic: "The Castle Gate" (R) part 1/3

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Title: The Castle Gate
Part: I: "Something Like a Fairytale"
Author: me (aka: rip_von_christ and omni_fabulae on lj)
Rating: R
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lupin; Bellatrix, Tonks, Teddy Lupin (more or less)
Challenge: Dark Challenge
Prompt: Teddy Lupin
Summary: A bedtime story about a wolf who tries to pretend he's a man.
Disclaimer: I own no rights. I am merely borrowing the characters. I'd hand them back in one piece, but that might not be entirely possible...
Warnings: spoiler, highlight to read-- Cannibalism. Character death (NOT Lupin or Snape). Also, this isn't really officially beta-ed. A friend glanced over it, but...yeah. If you spot something, let me know.
Notes: ...would be spoiler-ific, so shall be posted at the end of the story itself.

Get tucked in by Aunty Bella )

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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