The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

May 10th, 2008

May 10th, 2008

Ficlet: Porn Star Secrets (Snape/Lupin, Percy, NC-17)

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Title: Porn Star Secrets
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Snape/Lupin, Percy
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~1,000
Content: They-didn't-die AU, if canon matters, which for this, it sort of doesn't. :)
Summary: "Here you are, sir, those files you asked me to– oh! I– I'm terribly sorry, sir! I'll just– oh. Oh. I should have knocked."
Notes: This is just a quick, porny ficlet for [info]celandineb, because I thought she could use the laugh, and because she dared me recently to write a fic with Percy working as an adult film star. ;) Also for the [info]100quills prompt, "Surprise." The rest of my table is here.


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love, lore
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