The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 23rd, 2008

January 23rd, 2008

Trading Places Fic: Once More With Tango [PG]

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I have been enjoying all the posts for this challenge. Well done everybody, and thanks to our modly wonder who came up with the challenge. This has been so much fun.

Title: Once More With Tango
For: [info]morbid_lizard, as a companion to her pic of the same name
Character(s): Remus/Severus, Harry
Rating(s): PG
Word Count: 1180
Beta: Thank you [info]busaikko

Summary: Remus fears for the worst, but finds his dashing dancer is all his.
Disclaimer: All familiar characters and situations belong to JK Rowling. No profit is being made.

Once More With Tango...
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