The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 17th, 2008

January 17th, 2008

DRAWBLE: HoneyMoony (G)

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Title: HoneyMoony
Drawbler: [info]bronze_ribbons
Rating: G
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lupin, Tonks
Summary: A sticky situation...
Disclaimer: I can't claim I'd treat them any better if they were mine, now can I.
Notes: What happens when I wake up rhyming "Snape" and "crepe" in my head. *runs away*

Remus, honey, Snape can't help being such a drip... )

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Title: Implacable Bonds
Author: Spidermoth
Word Count: 111
Rating: R
Challenge: #139 Mistakes
Characters: Snape, Lupin
Warnings: some BD/SM & naughty-bits refs
Beta: none
Disclaimer: Created by JK, pilfered by me.

Sort of an atmospheric glimpse (I hope!). I was feeling angsty.

Tags: author: spidermoth, drabble

Art - Choosing Sides - G

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Title: Choosing Sides
Artist: [info]thesnapelyone
Rating: G
Pairing/Characters: Snape/Lupin, Severus and Moony
Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine, art is.
Summary: A battle that probably never occurred, except in my own mind. Severus fights with Moony at his back against a Death Eater.
Notes: I have been having fun documenting the creation process of this piece day by day at my journal. If that sort of thing interests you, it's here.

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