Oct. 12th, 2007


FIC: Happier

Original poster: colorfulshadows

This hit me like a ton of bricks after watching today's episode. Though it's about Luke and Noah--as in they're the topic of Maddie and Henry discussion--they're not actually "on screen". Takes place "later that same day" of today's episode. SPOILER ALERT!

TITLE: Happier
By Dev Basaa

PAIRING: implied Luke/Noah, Maddie & Henry
CATEGORY: missing scene, angst
FEEDBACK: yes, please ^_^ dev_aki_jediknight @ yahoo.com
DISCLAIMER: Luke and Noah, et.al. belong to CBS and P&G, not me, just borrowing, no profit made, so on.
SUMMARY: Set after today's episode (10/12/07), Maddie has to talk to Henry about the day's events. SPOILER for Today's (Friday) Episode!
Word count: 1,120


It didn't take her long to realize she needed to seek out Henry. Or Vienna. Or both. At first, she'd fussed around her apartment--rearranging DVDs, fluffing pillows, debating with herself about cleaning the baseboards--before she knew she had too many thoughts tumbling through her mind to leave them there, unsaid, unheard.

Henry would listen to her; he always did. )

Oct. 9th, 2007


FIC: Good (Luke/Noah)

Original poster: colorfulshadows

So, the best way to introduce yourself is with fanfic, right? I'm one of those ATWT converts who started watching totally because of Luke/Noah. As such, my canon knowledge is limited--apologies in advance. Like all of you, I'm totally hooked and in love with Luke/Noah and couldn't wait to do a missing scene for them. This takes place after the Snyder family dinner in which Noah and his whackjob father attend, airing Oct 3 & 4th (I believe). Enjoy!

By Dev Basaa

RATING: R (hard)
PAIRING: Luke/Noah
CATEGORY: romance, first time
FEEDBACK: yes, please ^_^ dev_aki_jediknight @ yahoo.com
DISCLAIMER: Luke and Noah, et.al. belong to CBS and P&G, not me, just borrowing, no profit made, so on.
SUMMARY: Luke and Noah finally have a moment alone--and take advantage of it. A missing scene.
Word count: 1,800


"Yeah, yeah, I'll call you tomorrow. We'll nail down plans and times and all that." Noah stood in the doorway, holding open the old, weather-aged screen door, waving his father goodbye. Sunset beams glowed around him, framing his tall build with dimming light and warmth. "Good night, Dad."

Luke shuffled his feet, waiting, his body adding to the music rising from the Snyder pond: bleating frogs, singing crickets and his own pounding heart. He tried not to think of the light flooding over Noah as an angelic halo, casting shimmering gold across his handsome face. He tried not to think too much at all.

But when Noah turned and smiled, drawing the screen-door closed behind him, Luke knew none of it could be helped. Noah looked like something descended from heaven and, most importantly--and what had really occupied his mind-- they were alone.

Finally alone. )

May 2009




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