Dec. 2nd, 2008


Holiday Gift Exchange 2008!

Original poster: ithilien22

Hey guys!

I just wanted to let you all know that we're hosting a gift exchange over at [info]thehayloft, and everyone is welcome to participate! You can offer anything, from fic to icons to fanvids - just so long as it has to do with ATWT or Jake & Van. And you'll have all month to give your gift once the assignments are given.

Sign ups are open through Friday, so I hope you all will join us!

(Remember, [info]thehayloft is a locked comm, but anyone over 18 is welcome to join!)


Oct. 3rd, 2008


So I thought this was cool...

Original poster: freakykat

I'm part of a Queer as Folk community called [info]queer_as_xmas. It's basically a community that challenges writers to write Christmas themed Brian/Justin stories and then the mods post them every day in Decemeber up until Christmas. I participated last year and received this great message from the mods saying that this year, not only will they include original m/m fics but they are also including Luke/Noah Christmas themed stories!

Here's the community:

I hope some of us can particpate!

Aug. 13th, 2008


Remix Challenge @ The Hayloft, Part 1

Original poster: nouveau_monday

Mods, if it isn't okay to post this, I apologize. If it is okay, thank you so much.

Remix Challenge, Part 1

Hey guys!

[info]thehayloft is going to be hosting a remix challenge over the next couple of weeks! For those of you unfamiliar with the term, a remix is when you take another author's story (with their permission) and rewrite it in your own style, just making sure to keep the same basic plotline and setting. Basically, it's taking the same central idea or theme of a story but writing it in your own unique way.

In order to promote more writing in this community, Ithilien and I have decided that anyone who would like to participate in the challenge will need to write a NEW story that they are willing to have remixed. And so, to facilitate that process, we are asking for prompts!

More info under the cut )

Note: You do NOT have to have posting access to [info]thehayloft to participate in this challenge. You can simply post your story on your personal LJ or on another comm and then PM the mods with a link. As a special incentive to new members, we will consider any story written for this challenge as an "audition" for posting access to the comm.

Jul. 23rd, 2008


New Luke/Noah comm!

Original poster: ithilien22

[info]thehayloft is officially open to the public!

From the user info: )

So come check us out! We’d love to have you. :D


Jun. 10th, 2008


new fanfiction community

Original poster: finkpishnets


a new community specifically for all As The World Turns fanfiction


May. 10th, 2008


Good times.

Original poster: mightyten

Apr. 8th, 2008


New Noah/Luke Forum

Original poster: chasing_nothing

 I hope this is allowed, but if not I apologise and please delete. 

Basically, I've spent the last few days feeling incredibly bored and so decided to give myself something to do. So what did I decide? That's right, to set up a brand new forum dedicated to our fave boys. It's quite plain, because it's new. I'm also looking for someone to design a banner for it..... anyone? and, should we get enough members, I may need some moderators. Anyone interested should let me know. But that will only happen if we get members, so please come and join, pull up a comfy chair and have fun!


Mar. 10th, 2008


We Need Entries!

Original poster: seleneheart

We could really use some entries over at [info]nuke_stillness, please go contribute!!


Jan. 8th, 2008


Nuke Stillness

Original poster: seleneheart

I just wanted to remind everyone here about the first challenge over at [info]nuke_stillness! Click for Challenge 1, which ends Saturday.


May 2009




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