Sacrificed Love
my journal

immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2008-07-06 15:05
Subject: Episode List
Security: Public
Tags:!masterlist, masterlist: episodes

Alright... I meant to do this a long time ago (Beginning of the year? Earlier? Later?) and I remember I started, but then I stopped again and I can't even remember what I did with the list I already had...
For more explanations check out the post I've posted to to [info]je_fic... I just figured I'd post this here as well, so people know what I'm going to be talking about.

The shows are divided into "Currently Addicted" (i.e. the shows I'm currently addicted to and/or watched in the last month), "Recently" (i.e. the shows I'm still slightly fond of, but haven't really watched in a while/am not obsessing over) and "Old" (i.e. the shows I watched years ago and that don't have any new episodes coming out (in most cases)). IF A SEASON ISN'T LISTED, THEN I HAVEN'T WATCHED A SINGLE EP OF IT! (or watched it so recently, that I didn't update the list yet)

Anything marked as all* is a guess, since I have the Season on DVD and assume, that I've watched it, even if I can't connect the episode summary with the episode.

Doctor Who )
Torchwood )
Sarah Jane Adventures )
Dead Like Me )

Heroes )
House )
Numb3rs )
Bones )
Supernatural )

CSI:Miami )
Highlander )
Buffy )
X-Files )
Earth 2 )
Space: Above and Beyond )
Without A Trace )
Gilmore Girls )
Smallville )
Dark Angel )
Babylon 5 )
Star Trek )
Star Trek:TNG )
Star Trek:DS9 )
Star Trek:Voyager )
Stargate )

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