Sacrificed Love
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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2009-10-27 12:51
Subject: 108 Star Wars icons
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, fandom: star wars, icons: requests

There will be another 2 or 3 posts... but I'll have to code those first. They should (hopefully) be up tonight or tomorrow morning.

If you want an icon changed, e.g. (different) text added or whatever, feel free to ask. Any results will be posted with the next batch.

Subject: 108 Star Wars icons
22 x leiastillness @LJ
25 x anakin_icontest @LJ
55 x swicontest @LJ
6 x Requests (Changes to previous icons)

Artist: JE / [info]immortalje
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I used to make these icons can be found on here.


click here for icons )

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2009-06-29 09:10
Subject: 141 Mixed Icons
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, fandom: heroes, fandom: house md, fandom: other, fandom: star wars, icons: celebs, icons: requests, icons: stock

So... this is the last post for now. There are a couple of newly made icons (where the results were announced after I made the relevant post), but anything older than that has been posted. Now I'll start spreading the word.

I hope it won't break anybody's flist as I had meant to post these two last night (when I posted them to LJ), but apparently the database transfer took longer than anticipated and it's not as if anybody can do anything about that. I'd hold it off for a while longer, if only I could be sure that I wouldn't end up forgetting.

If you want an icon changed, e.g. (different) text added or whatever, feel free to ask. Any results will be posted with the next batch.

Subject: 141 Mixed icons
05 x taylors_lims @LJ
06 x bwlims @LJ
12 x costumelims @LJ
31 x grafx_challenge @LJ*
71 x bwchallenge @LJ
16 x Requested to add text by [info]sylumgator **

* They weren't exactly made for a challenge, but I had most of them cropped before I realized it was a Friends Only Banner Challenge.
** One in the version you already had and one with the colouring tweaked a bit (since I'm trying to work on my colouring :D )

Artist: JE / [info]immortalje
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I used to make these icons can be found on here.


click here for icons )

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