Sacrificed Love
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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2011-06-29 19:10
Subject: Big Bang Theory + Albus Dumbledore Icons
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, fandom: big bang theory, fandom: harry potter, icons: 20in20

Here are the sets for the Big Bang Theory, Season 1 and Albus Dumbledore!

Artist: JE / [info]immortalje
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I used to make these icons can be found on here.


20+4 Big Bang Theory Icons )

20+4 Albus Dumbledore )

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immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2011-06-01 11:09
Subject: fandom20in20 - Mix and Match
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, fandom: big bang theory, fandom: doctor who, fandom: harry potter, fandom: other, fandom: sherlock, icons: 20in20, icons: stock, icons: text

I quit yesterday after Photoshop kept dying on me... and I was too tired to type/code this post. So a real last minute entry :D
I had intended to do all prompts, but as I was running against time anyway and Photoshop just didn't want me to work on them (something about going full screen on an image that was sized to over 100%)

Artist: JE / [info]immortalje
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I used to make these icons can be found on here.


25+5 icons behind the cut )

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