Sacrificed Love
my journal

immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]immortalje
Date: 2008-05-03 14:24
Subject: Contests
Security: Public
Tags:!masterlist, #contest-banner, masterlist: other

Here's an overview over the contests I've participated and (in most cases) WON something. So... it's mostly a collection of banners. I figured I won't spam my profile with them. I will list the amount of icons submitted and how could be submitted per person (since I tend to submit the maximum amount) and I believe that it's easier to win a contest with few icons compared to larger ones.

Newer banners haven't been added to this post in a long time. They can be found in this folder on Photobucket (alongside the banners posted in this post)

Icontests )
Participation )

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