Sacrificed Love - 74 Doctor Who icons!
my journal

immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]love_sacrificed (posted by [info]immortalje)
Date: 2013-12-09 18:38
Subject: 74 Doctor Who icons!
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, fandom: doctor who, icons: 20in20

While updating my scrapbook at my personal journal, I realised that I hadn't been as attentive as I should have been when it comes to crossposting. As it is - there are 4 icon posts I forgot to post here! (And a shit load of love_bingo posts - but those were kind of a deliberate choice at the time. Since I mostly wrote fics and I wanted them beta read first. *winks at [info]dani_meows* Remeber those e-mails I sent you while you were on restricted Internet access??)

Since two of those posts were just DW, I combined them here :D

The first set is from early October and the second is fairly recent :D

Artist: [info]immortalje // [info]love_sacrificed
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I use to make icons can be found here.

Original Note:
These were made for round 37 @ doctorwho20in20 on LJ :)
This round had screencaps as prompts. The images are linked in the table and contain the sources in the title.



River Song Weeping Angel Amy Pond Donna Noble #1 Donna Noble #2
Eight Four + Sarah Jane Five + Ten Eleven + Amy Ten + Donna
Rose + Mickey The Master (Simm) The Master (Jacobi) Ten #1 Rose Tyler
Ten #2 Nine Jenny Flint Clara Eleven

Alternates / Outtakes

01 02 03 04 05
06 07 08 09 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 - - - -
no icon no icon no icon no icon

Original Note:
I finished these icons and then I went to the cinema to watch the special... Now I'm really stoked and can't stop myself from squeeing! If you want to read my senseless (and very spoilery) post about it - you can check it out here!

Since I hadn't even watched the trailer beforehand (I somehow never seemed to find the time and I'm not in the habit of watching previews/trailers beyond what's tagged onto the end of episodes anyway)

This post does contain icons for Season 7 episodes, but none from the special or any trailers for it.

These were made for the special round at doctorwho20in20 which didn't involve any special claims but the general awesomeness of Doctor Who :D


first doctor favourite doctor quote other time lord gallifrey
favourite female favourite male female side character male side character group
favourite episode first episode cliffhanger first scene episodetitle
Enemy TARDIS (inside) TARDIS (outside) favourite pairing space
#01 #02 #03 #04 #05
#06 #07 #08 #09 #10
#11 #12 #13 - -
no icon no icon

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