Lotrips Remix - IJ - August 3rd, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 3rd, 2007

Lotrips Remix 07 coming soon [Aug. 3rd, 2007|06:32 pm]


First, I want to apologize for being so slow about getting the remix started. *grovels a bit* I'm really sorry.

Second, this is a shadow of the LJ community, and I'll crosspost here. If LiveJournal is going to reject fandom, we may be on track to rejecting them.

Third, I have a couple of proposed changes I'd like feedback on:

* Allow variations in the beginning of the remix, so it could start further back or partway through the original story. The end would have to stay the same.

* Allow AUs of original stories.

* Provisionally allow single-fandom people to enter, if the matching works

Do these changes work for all of you? Can you see any problems with them?

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