May. 16th, 2014


Sorry. As interesting as it sounds to be in a world of magic, and it'd surely be a great news story.. I have to get back home. There's important work to do. I'm supposed to be covering a story with my partner. And there's also the hero work too, need to check up on the team in Watchtower There's people to save but I can keep a lookout for any needs here

I just hope I don't get lost. It's a pretty big place. I'm in.. what's it called. Oh! Gryffindor. Some lion with wings crest. Signifies bravery, courage, doing the right thing, and stuff like that. Sounds like a good House. It's strange, almost got the feeling that hat could look in my head. Wonder if it really knew that I'm a But nevermind. Still need to look for answers.


Oy. Potter. What did you do?

What the bloody hell?

Does someone want to explain to me what the bloody hell is going on? I had to bloody fight to keep my same dorm.

And who are all of you? Last I checked, Hogwarts was a school for witches and wizards, unless they've decided to let in all of you Mud... Muggleborns.

May. 15th, 2014


They have lions, wolves, dragons, and stags in Westeros. You are born to them. They create unnecessary war. Does this talking hat create the same rift?


Blimey, it feels good to be back at Hogwarts.
But why am I here? I don't get it. Some old bloke mess up a spell?


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