June 29th, 2010

[info]amanofscience in [info]lost_in_time

001: Back to the Start

Who: Jack Shephard and Kate Austen
What: Returning to Reality
Where: His Tent on the Beach
When: A Few Weeks After the Crash
Status: In Progress

The first thing Jack noticed was that it was warm. A clammy, uncomfortable sort of warmth. The tent – crudely constructed, yes, but definitely a tent – made him think of a stifling summer bedroom, with a restless sleeper tossing and turning beneath the sheets and the windows locked tight.

The second thing he noticed was that he had a headache. And that was it. A headache, a stuffy tent and the fact that his mouth was a bit too dry. He couldn’t remember what had happened or … no, he remembered where he was.

He was on the Island. )