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Longbottom Weekly: October 24, 2011 [24 Oct 2011|01:18pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote We’ll Be OK for [info]hermione_smut. The Dreaded Marriage Law. Post-Hogwarts. They are established in their careers. They haven't seen each other in a few years. Neville's still a bit bumbly and Hermone's still a bit impatient with that. However will they cope? (Neville/Hermione, NC-17)
Anonymous wrote Loving Possession for [info]hermione_smut. Neville is tired of Hermione always working late so he reminds her of what's important. (Neville/Hermione, warnings, NC-17)
[info]alisanne wrote Excellent Ideas. Kingsley had always intimidated Neville, not just because he was handsome and accomplished, but because just about everyone idolised him. (Neville/Kingsley, PG)
[info]leela_cat wrote Moonclaw Glitter and Gum Wrappers. Neville needs to tell his parents that the war is over. (Neville, G)
[info]k_magique wrote If I Had Have Listened. “It’s bad manners to be thinking of anyone but me right now,” he mutters, and laves his tongue against Neville’s lips. (Neville/Blaise, background Neville/Hannah, NC-17)


[info]glayish continued Seven Years Bad Luck with Chapter Ten. If you look into the broken pieces and cannot find your reflection, the magic of seven years bad luck will take effect. In the spring of '91, Neville Longbottom broke a mirror. And in their 8th year, Pansy Parkinson broke one too. (Neville/Pansy, PG-13)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 196: Fair.
[info]hp_emofest has opened prompt claiming.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: October 17, 2011 [17 Oct 2011|01:33pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote Postscript for [info]samhain_smut. Headmaster and Mrs Longbottom stumble on the late Headmistress' diary. (Neville/Hannah, Minerva/assorted, NC-17)
[info]alisanne wrote Led By the Heart. When your world changes, sometimes you have to be led by your heart. (Neville/Lavender, PG-13)


[info]glayish continued Seven Years Bad Luck with Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, and Chapter Nine. If you look into the broken pieces and cannot find your reflection, the magic of seven years bad luck will take effect. In the spring of '91, Neville Longbottom broke a mirror. And in their 8th year, Pansy Parkinson broke one too. (Neville/Pansy, PG-13)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 195: Letter.
[info]hp_prisonerfest signups have begun.
[info]hp_emofest has opened prompt submissions for their holiday mini-fest.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: October 10, 2011 [10 Oct 2011|09:41am]

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote Side Effects for [info]samhain_smut. Neville has to skip the Halloween feast because Professor Snape assigned him detention, where he must brew a potion that he messed up in class. He messes up again, of course, but this time the potion has some rather interesting effects on both of them. (Neville/Snape, NC-17)
[info]alisanne wrote Matching Things Up. Draco and Neville match up more than schedules. (Neville/Draco, G)
[info]celandineb wrote Make It Better. When Neville comes home in a fury, Harry tries to make it better. (Neville/Harry, NC-17)
[info]dkaneanite wrote Not Strong Enough. It irked him that he couldn’t push the dirty blonde Gryffindor from his mind; not even for a decent night’s rest. (Neville/Draco, PG-13)

DRABBLES (200 words and shorter)

[info]celandineb wrote All Unexpected. (Neville/Harry, G)


[info]deirdre_aithne and [info]uniquepov completed Forgive Me with Chapter Thirteen, Chapter Fourteen, and Chapter Fifteen. Years after the end of the war, Harry and Neville hit it off after a blind date. Harry is afraid to open up, but Neville is determined to explore the spark between them. Can they find happiness together, or will the spectre of Harry's hidden past destroy their fledgling romance? (Neville/Harry, NC-17)
[info]glayish continued Seven Years Bad Luck with Chapter Four, Chapter Five, and Chapter Six. If you look into the broken pieces and cannot find your reflection, the magic of seven years bad luck will take effect. In the spring of '91, Neville Longbottom broke a mirror. And in their 8th year, Pansy Parkinson broke one too. (Neville/Pansy, PG-13)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 194: Leadership.
[info]hpvalensmut signups have begun.
[info]humpdrabbles are holding their 2011 Humpathon from Oct 10 – Oct 31.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: October 3, 2011 [03 Oct 2011|12:19pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote Half of Something Else for [info]mwpp_mischief. During the war, Alice and Lily find a moment of peace. (Alice/Lily, PG-13)
[info]almond_joyz wrote Just the Way You Are. Hannah's not perfect but Neville teaches her that she is. (Neville/Hannah, NC-17)
[info]torino10154 wrote Natural Beauty. "Sorry, I'm late," he said as he took off his cloak. (Neville/Ginny, PG-13)
[info]angela_snape wrote Time For a Change. "I'm in desperate need of a vacation," said Harry after a moment. (Neville/Harry, PG)
[info]celandineb wrote Squeaky Clean. Percy loves it when Neville comes home filthy from a day in the greenhouses. (Neville/Percy, NC-17)


[info]deirdre_aithne and [info]uniquepov continued Forgive Me with Chapter Eleven and Chapter Twelve. Years after the end of the war, Harry and Neville hit it off after a blind date. Harry is afraid to open up, but Neville is determined to explore the spark between them. Can they find happiness together, or will the spectre of Harry's hidden past destroy their fledgling romance? (Neville/Harry, NC-17)
[info]glayish continued Seven Years Bad Luck with Chapter Three. If you look into the broken pieces and cannot find your reflection, the magic of seven years bad luck will take effect. In the spring of '91, Neville Longbottom broke a mirror. And in their 8th year, Pansy Parkinson broke one too. (Neville/Pansy, PG-13)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 193: Schedule.
[info]hp_headcanon is featuring Neville.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: September 27, 2011 [27 Sep 2011|01:22pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote Going, Going...(Gone) for [info]mwpp_mischief. It was like a leaf loving a hurricane. It couldn’t last. (Alice/Lily, Lily/James, PG-13)
Anonymous wrote On Golden Sands for [info]mwpp_mischief. Even after they're both long since gone, Alice will remember him like a hazy dream—his insurmountable youth and the taste of the sea in the air. (Alice/James, R)
[info]sexy_yuri88 wrote three fics:
It Had to Be You. He kept having sex with Neville only on the weekends. Nothing will change. That’s what he told himself. Nothing. But when he saw Neville, he couldn’t control his needs. (Neville/Draco, NC-17)
His Pureblood Boyfriend. With a smug look and his arms crossed over his chest, Draco Malfoy glanced at Neville Longbottom. He worked hard to make the seemly unkempt boy a fine man that was worthy of his taste… (Neville/Draco, PG-13)
Here or There. Neville grinned brightly as he won his first argument against his lover; Draco Malfoy. (Neville/Draco, PG-13)
[info]dkaneanite wrote two fics:
Coming Undone. He stood there hidden in the darkness; watching the as the other teen knelt, his hands working diligently on the gleaming gold trophies to heighten the already blinding shine. (Neville/Draco, NC-17)
Changes Unnoticed. The halls were silent throughout the castle until he reached the dungeons. (Neville/Draco, R)
[info]katekintail wrote Tattoo. Neville had always wanted a tattoo. (Neville/Charlie, PG)

DRABBLES (200 words and shorter)

[info]lokifan wrote Interesting Scars. (Neville/Draco, G)
[info]alisanne wrote two drabbles:
Intoxicating. (Neville/Remus, PG)
Too Wholesome. (Neville/Bill, PG)


[info]deirdre_aithne and [info]uniquepov continued Forgive Me with Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, and Chapter Ten. Years after the end of the war, Harry and Neville hit it off after a blind date. Harry is afraid to open up, but Neville is determined to explore the spark between them. Can they find happiness together, or will the spectre of Harry's hidden past destroy their fledgling romance? (Neville/Harry, NC-17)
[info]glayish began Seven Years Bad Luck with Chapter One and Chapter Two. If you look into the broken pieces and cannot find your reflection, the magic of seven years bad luck will take effect. In the spring of '91, Neville Longbottom broke a mirror. And in their 8th year, Pansy Parkinson broke one too. (Neville/Pansy, PG-13)


[info]rossellaohara drew Summer Kiss. (Neville/Blaise, possibly NWS, PG)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 192: Wholesome.

Do you have fic or art on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: September 19, 2011 [19 Sep 2011|05:02pm]


Anonymous wrote Restoration Projects for [info]hp_footballbets. I am pleased to inform you that the Board of Directors of Hogwarts has selected the firm of Longbottom, LLC, to oversee and carry out the reconstruction of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. (Augusta/Minerva, PG)
[info]madeyemax wrote It’s Always the Quiet Ones. Neville had never been so terrified of anything in his life. (Neville/Cho, NC-17)
[info]celandineb wrote Dilemma. Neville has a problem and needs advice. (Neville, Harry/Ron/Hermione, G)
[info]darth_gojira wrote Hermione Gets An O. The followup to "Neville Gets an O". (Neville/Hermione, NC-17)


[info]deirdre_aithne and [info]uniquepov continued Forgive Me with Chapter Five, Chapter Six, and Chapter Seven. Years after the end of the war, Harry and Neville hit it off after a blind date. Harry is afraid to open up, but Neville is determined to explore the spark between them. Can they find happiness together, or will the spectre of Harry's hidden past destroy their fledgling romance? (Neville/Harry, NC-17)


[info]merenwen wrote Unwilling to Surrender. (Neville, PG-13)
[info]alisanne wrote Personal Hero. (Neville/Harry, G)


[info]snow_owls drew Untitled. (Neville/Draco, WS, G)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 191: Fire.
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Longbottom Weekly: September 12, 2011 [12 Sep 2011|12:42pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

[info]reynardo wrote Together. Frank wants Alice to go into hiding, but she won't. Not even to protect their child. (Frank/Alice, G)
[info]celandineb wrote two ficlets:
The Sword of Gryffindor. Neville is worried about the effects of the sword of Gryffindor, and asks Harry's advice. (Neville/Harry, PG)
Dumbledore’s Army Redux. Harry and Neville think Hermione's idea is a good one. (Neville/Harry, G)
[info]angela_snape wrote Why Flitwick Doesn’t Always Hate Detentions. Filius Flitwick normally didn't hand out detentions. (Neville/Harry, NC-17)
[info]toestastegood wrote Muggle Nights. Every Friday night, Harry and Neville put their wands away and make do without magic. (Neville/Harry, PG)
[info]florahart wrote Damsel in Distress. Cho has a thing for heroes. (Neville/Cho, NC-17)
[info]enen_chan wrote run run run, there’s no turning back. Don’t stop, because they’ll catch you. (Neville, PG)


[info]deirdre_aithne and [info]uniquepov began Forgive Me with Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, and Chapter Four. Years after the end of the war, Harry and Neville hit it off after a blind date. Harry is afraid to open up, but Neville is determined to explore the spark between them. Can they find happiness together, or will the spectre of Harry's hidden past destroy their fledgling romance? (Neville/Harry, NC-17)

DRABBLES (200 words and shorter)

[info]alisanne wrote Finding His Heart. (Neville/Cho, G)
[info]pretty_panther wrote Lion Heart. (Neville, PG-13)


[info]omens drew Advantages of a Desk Job. (Neville/Blaise, WS, G)
[info]didodikali drew Greenhouse 12. (Neville/Cho, NWS, NC-17)


[info]hp_holidaygen sign-ups are underway.
[info]hazy_crazy created several Neville/Hannah manips here and here.
[info]neville100 issued Prompt 190: Share.
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Longbottom Weekly: August 29: 2011 [29 Aug 2011|08:21pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

[info]sometimeselkie wrote The 423rd Quidditch World Cup, or Neville Wishes for the Patience of Angels. Draco has four tickets to the Australia/Morocco match in Greece. For reasons beyond a non-Malfoy's comprehension, his guests are his ex-girlfriend and the girl he wants to replace her with. (Neville/Pansy, Draco/Ginny, PG-13)
[info]torino10154 wrote Refuges of War. Neville beamed with pride. He'd always respected Professor Lupin, ever since he'd been so supportive third year. (Neville/Remus, PG)
[info]highway_mondays wrote When the Stars are the Only Things We Share. She's different now, she's a little grown up and bitter about the world, and Neville is lovely and kind and it's all a huge mess, really. (Neville/Luna, PG-13)
[info]kinky_kneazle wrote Please Don’t Tell Our Fathers. Al and Scorpius will do anything to convince Auror Longbottom not to tell their fathers about the prank. (Neville/Scorpius/Albus Severus, NC-17)
[info]lauryne78 wrote All These Broken Pieces. Hannah and Neville are both a bit lost after the Final Battle. Trying to make it on their own isn’t working, but maybe they’ll be better together. (Neville/Hannah, PG)
[info]deirdre_aithne wrote Birthday Arrangements. When he'd admitted to it, Harry never thought Neville would actually do something about his fantasy... Least of all as a birthday gift. (Neville/Harry/Draco, NC-17)

DRABBLES (200 words and fewer)

[info]alisanne wrote four drabbles:
Thoroughly Bonded. (Neville/Draco, G)
In Keeping with Tradition. (Neville/Ginny, PG)
Welcome Intrusion. (Neville/George, PG)
Precious. (Neville/Andromeda, G)
[info]angela_snape wrote two drabbles:
Breakfast in Bed. (Neville/Harry, PG)
Sanctuary. (Neville/Harry, PG)
[info]j_lunatic wrote Refuge. (Neville, G)

[info]interhouse_fest sign-ups are open until September 5.
[info]mini_fest has begun sign-ups.
[info]smutty_claus sign-ups begin September 1.
[info]neville100 posted Prompt #188: Precious.
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Longbottom Weekly: August 8, 2011 [08 Aug 2011|08:46pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

[info]narcissus_snake wrote Just a Little Clarity. Neville and Draco create a clarity potion, but the results aren't quite what they had in mind. (Neville/Draco, Blaise/Draco, R)
[info]miniscules wrote Turn. Luna wants to see what people saw before, and Neville helps her find a reason worth living. (Neville/Luna, PG-13)
[info]marieciel wrote Undefined. Neville struggles with a question encountered by many a teenage boy- what are these feelings he is having, and are they that dreaded four-letter word, 'love'? (Neville/Luna, PG)
[info]angela_snape wrote Love, In Vitro. Neville awoke to the sound of a spoon tapping on glass. (Neville/Harry, NC-17)

DRABBLES (200 words and shorter)

[info]alisanne wrote two drabbles:
Their Hero(ine). (Neville/Ginny, G)
Happy Surprise. (Neville/Draco, G)
[info]angela_snape wrote The Principle of Causation. (Neville/Harry, PG)
[info]misbehavingmom wrote Effects of a Broom Ride. (Neville/Draco, PG-13)


[info]waltzing_mice drew Barefoot in the Grass. (Neville/Luna, G)
[info]lovelessinma drew Neville and Luna. (G)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 185: Glass.
[info]charlieficathon has begun sign-ups for their 2012 fest.
[info]hp_sexstars is open for prompts claiming until August 15.
[info]interhouse_fest prompting begins August 15.
[info]smutty_claus announced sign-ups begin September 1.
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Longbottom Weekly: July 25, 2011 [25 Jul 2011|07:20pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

[info]kerplankia wrote Grow in the Garden. Relationships are never easy. Especially when its with Draco Malfoy. Throw in hang-ups about his amputated legs and life gets a little harder for Neville. (Neville/Draco, PG)
[info]deirdre_aithne and [info]uniquepov wrote A Light in the Heart. Neville Longbottom has resigned himself to a solitary life. Harry Potter is determined to find out why. (Neville/Harry, PG-13)
[info]sopranosflight wrote The He Who Was Before. No warning, almost, and they were there, through the portrait, back in the castle, back in charge, taking over. (Neville/Ginny, NR)
[info]magisterequitum wrote Don’t Give Up On Me Baby. They don't stay in one place too long. (Neville/Luna, NR)
[info]workswithwords wrote Postwar. It should surprise Ginny that their darkest hour is in fact the one that follows Voldemort's death. (Neville/Ginny, PG)
[info]gdgdbaby wrote war doth make true leaders of us all. It doesn't occur to neville to put the room of requirement into full use once more until the very last minute. (Neville/Ginny/Luna, PG-13)
[info]peskywhistpaw wrote Mending. Neville helps Hannah heal a cut with the help of an unusual plant. (Neville/Hannah, G)
[info]rumpledlinen wrote three ficlets:
Fix Me. They have a house by the sea. (Neville/Luna, NR)
Fear. He goes to see them more often than he'd like to admit. (Neville, NR)
No Regrets. She thinks that, perhaps, if she wouldn't have done it then, she wouldn't be here now. (Frank/Alice, PG-13)
[info]anawkwardturtle wrote Lasting the Year. Ginny knew that there was a deadline to her and Neville. (Neville/Ginny, NR)
[info]scornedsaint wrote And there’s too many sad good-byes. It was late. The Gryffindor common room was deserted, a rarity. (Neville/Ginny, NR)
[info]digi_dragon wrote Looney Lovegood, Or I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Crazy. No one ever would have guessed it, and that’s because Neville’s either bumbling and quiet or focused and determined. (Neville/Luna, NR)
[info]eleusis_walks wrote Boys Who Lived. They don't talk about how the woman they both love is never going to love them back, because they're second-stringers and not her gleaming savior. (Neville/Dean, NC-17)
[info]and_backagain wrote No one’s got it all. She writes him letters, at first, not because she has any real illusion that she'll send them but because she can't help feeling it's what she's supposed to do. (Neville/Ginny, NR)
[info]xsharon90x wrote Confidence. And let me tell you something: having self-confidence is sometimes all you need. (Neville, NR)


[info]celandineb wrote three drabbles:
First and Last. (Neville/Ginny, G)
Chance is a Fine Thing. (Neville/Luna, G)
The Greenhouse. (Neville/Harry, G)


[info]deliciousny drew All Is Well. (Neville/Luna, WS)
[info]vividescent drew The Theory of Evolution. (Neville/Teddy, PG-13)
[info]thilia drew Piano Lessons. (Neville/Remus, G)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 183: Fierce.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: July 18, 2011 [18 Jul 2011|08:48pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote A Time to Bloom. Glimpses into Neville and Hannah's relationship as they grow closer throughout their seventh year. (Neville/Hannah, R)
[info]iulia_linnea wrote A Truly Tillacious Day. Augusta redresses a toad-related offence. (Augusta, PG)
[info]medusacascade22 wrote Courage and Revenge. “Oh god, this is wrong.” Neville insisted, voice shaking. (Neville/Draco, PG-13)
[info]jada_jasmine wrote long live all the magic we made. A student asks him once, "Are you married?" (Neville/Ginny, PG)
[info]deadduck008 wrote Lake Effect. The first thing Ginny realizes about Neville that year, The Year Without Harry Potter, is that he's grown taller. (Neville/Ginny, NR)
[info]kelpyfinners wrote One Embrace. Ginny sits silently on the hammock that has become her retreat in these days. (Neville/Ginny/Luna, NR)
[info]10millionpeople wrote The Rest of Her Life. He found her, after all. (Neville/Luna, NR)
[info]galfridian wrote I love you like weathering wood. And it's strange: she's never dreamt of Voldemort, of Riddle, until now. (Neville/Ginny, Neville/Luna, Harry/Ginny, NR)
[info]clearbluewater3 wrote Not in My Mind. She can’t remember what it felt like before. (Neville/Ginny, NR)
[info]and_backagain wrote I Feel It All. The first, the very first time it happens, it's Cho. (Neville, NR)
[info]gdgdbaby wrote don’t worry. luna's hand is warm against his wrist when she pulls him out. (Neville/Luna, NR)

DRABBLES (200 words and shorter)

[info]angela_snape wrote Please. (Neville/Snape, G)
[info]alisanne wrote two drabbles:
Greenhouse Seduction. (Neville/Draco, PG)
Moment of Bravery. (Neville/Ginny, G)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 182: Bravery.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: July 4, 2011 [04 Jul 2011|12:52pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote All in Good Time. Sirius knows he'd be perfect for Alice. Now to convince her of that fact without sending her running even further away than she already is. (Alice/Sirius, AU, R)
[info]deirdre_aithne wrote Something Better Than Before. "I won't keep doing this to my sister, Neville." Ron stuffed his bill-fold back into his pocket before finally looking at Neville again, his jaw set firmly in determination. "I'm tired of being her for you, and I won't do it any more." (Neville/Ginny, mentions of Neville/Ron, NC-17)
[info]torino10154 wrote In Private. Neville waited until he was sure his dormmates would be gone for the evening, the only way to ensure his privacy. (Neville/Harry, R)
[info]alisanne wrote Invasion of Privacy. “You’re too close, Healer Longbottom. You know the rules. No personal interactions with patients.” (Neville/Greg Goyle, PG)


[info]neville100 posted Prompt 180: Privacy.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
3 comments|post comment

Longbottom Weekly: June 27, 2011 [27 Jun 2011|12:50pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote Reminiscences for [info]hp_porninthesun. Not all remembering has to be of loss and pain. (Neville/Lavender, NC-17)
Anonymous wrote As True a Gryffindor As Ever There Was for [info]hp_porninthesun. It's the day after the Battle of Hogwarts--where do the survivors go from here? (Neville/Oliver, NC-17)
Anonymous wrote Lovesong for [info]hp_humpdrabbles. As always, at first it had made her feel awkward, exposed, ashamed, but as their gazes met she saw the desire. Millicent still did not feel sexy, but she felt desired here in the dark. (Neville/Millicent, R)
[info]mihnn wrote A Moment in Time. Friendship is a flower that blossoms in the heart. (Neville/Luna, G)
[info]alisanne wrote Subtle Clues. Subtlety’s overrated. (Neville/George, R)

DRABBLES (200 words and shorter)

[info]alisanne wrote Popular Gardening. (Neville/Narcissa, PG-13)
[info]beautyfulevil wrote Any Other Rose. (Neville/Luna, G)
[info]angela_snape wrote Clueless. (Neville/Harry, PG)


Anonymous drew Compliance for [info]hp_porninthesun. (Neville/Pansy, NWS, NC-17)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 179: Clue.
[info]samhain_smut prompt claiming ends Friday.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: June 13, 2011 [13 Jun 2011|01:28pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote Hogwarts: The RPG for hp_porninthesun. Escaping a mob of fans, Neville and Harry have a Close Encounter. (Neville/Harry, NC-17)
darth_gojira wrote Potions Lesson. Hermione. Neville. Late-night potions. Do the math. (Neville/Hermione, NC-17)
proudpansy wrote two fics:
Always Always. This story is set during the Battle of the Tower at the end of Half-Blood Prince. I’ve written an alternate ending interlacing my own words and ideas with J.K. Rowling’s words and dialogue in those final chapters. (Neville/Harry, PG-13/R)
Joined & Entwined. This story is set during the Battle of Hogwarts at the end of the book. I’ve written an alternate ending interlacing my own words and ideas with J.K. Rowling’s words and dialogue in those final chapters. This is a sequel to Always, Always. (Neville/Harry, PG-13)
[info]alisanne wrote Under Clear Skies. The sky sees all. (Neville/Draco, PG)
[info]lokifan wrote Twilight. Neville and Draco on a summer night. Also, how elemental opposites make good lovers. (Neville/Draco, R)

DRABBLES (200 words and shorter)

[info]iulia_linnea wrote A First-Class Expression of Gratitude. (Neville, Snape, PG)
[info]alisanne wrote Making Friends. (Neville/Luna, G)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 177: Lake.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: June 6, 2011 [06 Jun 2011|01:20pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote The Next Time a Giant Snake Attacks for hp_spring_fling. Neville and Hermione have gone back to Hogwarts, but things are different with the passage of years. (Neville/Hermione, PG-13)
proudpansy wrote two ficlets:
Surprise. Neville spends the summer working on a perfect surprise gift for Dean. (Neville/Dean, PG)
Gaudium Noctis. Neville creates a very special flower to convey a very special message. (Neville/Luna, G)
[info]alisanne wrote The Power of Positive Thinking. Neville discovers that wishes do come true. (Neville/Ginny, Snape/Harry, PG)

DRABBLES (200 words and shorter)

[info]torino10154 wrote The Sky’s the Limit. (Neville/Draco, PG)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 176: Sky.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: May 30, 2011 [30 May 2011|11:35am]

Editor's Note: My apologies for the wait between issues. I've had internet drama nearly all month, but hopefully it's all been resolved!

Fic (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote Through a Glass Avidly for [info]hp_wankfest. Neville Longbottom at the Hog’s Head Inn with a Wizarding Portrait. (Neville, Ariana, R/NC-17)
Anonymous wrote Let Us Escape Our Troubles for [info]hp_beholder. How terribly strange to be seventy... (Augusta/Minerva, NC-17)
Anonymous wrote Two Aurors, Eight Moments for springtime_gen. Eight moments in a working day. (Frank, Alice, PG)
lyras wrote The Unforgiven. He could love her if she'd only let him. (Neville/Pansy, Neville/Hannah, NC-17)
[info]rebecca_selene wrote Obstacles. Blaise is too proud to admit he needs help, but not too proud to take it. (Neville/Blaise, G)
[info]katekintail wrote Dynamics. Remus was through with spontaneous lovers; that sort of relationship never worked out for Remus and always caused more harm than good. (Neville/Remus, NC-17)
[info]narcissus_snake wrote Cause and Effect. Kindness can bring its own rewards. (Neville/Hannah, Neville/Draco, PG-13)
deirdre_aithne wrote Sunset Return. They welcome him home as though he never left...As though the past month had never happened and he'd been with them all along. (Neville/Harry/Luna, PG)

Drabbles (200 words and shorter)

[info]alisanne wrote four drabbles:
Lost in Translation. (Neville/Harry, PG)
Soiled. (Neville/Bill, PG)
Around the World. (Neville/Luna, PG-13)
Adjustment. (Neville, Augusta, G)
[info]angela_snape wrote Time for a Kiss. (Neville/Harry, PG)
[info]celandineb wrote Heroism Question. (Neville, G)
nightmarenoah wrote Falling Is Half the Fun. (Neville, G)


Anonymous drew The War Is Over for femmefest. (Alice/Lily, PG)

Various and Sundry

[info]xnevillelovingx has a question for the community.
[info]neville100 issued Prompt 175: Positive Thinking.
Neville Longbottom in fourth Deathly Hallows Part II poster!

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: May 2, 2011 [02 May 2011|02:25pm]

FIC (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote Good in Bed for hp_canon_fest. Neville and Hannah spend the day in bed relaxing and playing. (Neville/Hannah, R)
[info]darth_gojira wrote So That’s a Date. For Neville and Hermione, Valentine's Day at Hogsmeade is a new kind of experience. (Neville/Hermione, G)
[info]alisanne wrote Crossing Broomsticks. The third date’s the charm. (Neville/Oliver, PG)


mayfly_78 drew Spring Fever. (Neville/Blaise, possibly NWS, PG-13)


[info]neville100 issued Prompt 171: Bouquet.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: April 25, 2011 [25 Apr 2011|01:11pm]

Fic (201 words and longer)

scarlettlilly wrote Emancipated. In the midst of celebrating life after Voldemort, Neville learns about freedom. (Neville/Blaise, R)

Drabbles (200 words and shorter)

[info]alisanne wrote One and Only. (Neville/Hannah, G)
[info]angela_snape wrote Going Public. (Neville/Harry, PG)


vividescent drew A Magical Moment. (Neville/Draco, PG)

Various and Sundry

[info]neville100 issued Prompt 170: Three Broomsticks.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: April 18, 2011 [18 Apr 2011|01:37pm]

Fic (201 words and longer)

[info]alisanne wrote Long Overdue. An overdue book helps bring someone home to Neville. (Neville/Millicent, PG)
[info]torino10154 wrote Reap What You Sow. He was almost sure Draco was interested, too, but he needed to wait for the right moment to find out. (Neville/Draco, PG-13)


__hibiscus drew Neville & Ginny. (Neville/Ginny, G)

Various and Sundry

[info]neville100 issued Prompt 169: One and Only.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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Longbottom Weekly: April 11, 2011 [11 Apr 2011|12:43pm]

Fic (201 words and longer)

Anonymous wrote There but for the Grace for hp_nextgen_fest. His was the fifty-fifty bet that Lord Voldemort didn’t take, and this is how it turned out instead. (Neville/Remus, Neville/Teddy, PG-13)
Anonymous wrote Far From Done for hp_canon_fest. Neville, tired and ready to start a new career, stumbles into an old friend, and a new connection. (Neville/Hannah, G)
anythingbutgrey wrote A Tree in a Storm. It is a very quiet year when Ron goes to Hogwarts. Above all things, Ginny is used to him, used to the noise of a brother in this too-large, crumbling house. (Ginny, Neville/Ginny, Harry/Ginny, NR)

Drabbles (200 words and shorter)

[info]nonskid wrote Ever Forgetful. (Neville/Hannah, G)


tomscribble drew Spring Walk. (Neville/Luna, G)
[info]nonskid drew Devil’s Snare. (Neville/plant, NWS, NC-17)

Various and Sundry

[info]neville100 issued Prompt 168: Salem Institute.

Do you have fic or artwork on Livejournal or Insanejournal to share? Comment here for inclusion in the next issue.
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