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A Neville/Luna fan community

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Neville/Luna shippers do Dreamwidth! [May. 7th, 2009|12:16 am]
Hey all,

I'm sorry if this isn't allowed, I'll take it down immediately. Hopefully it will help shippers connect!

I don’t know how many of you have a DreamWidth, but I wanted to let you know that my friend has created a community for Harry Potter fans in Canada.

Also, for those of you that are new to DreamWidth, there is a friending meme here:

Don’t have DreamWidth yet? No problem, for those that want codes you can go to this LJ community [info]dw_codeshare. Those of us that have codes will leave a comment with what we want in return (fic, graphics etc…) and those of you that need codes can check out the comments and see which request you might be able to fulfill in order to get a code in return.

Hope to see you over there!
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We need a Neville [Feb. 16th, 2009|09:47 pm]

Let's go back in time. A time when the final chapters of the Harry Potter books were still a mystery and there were limitless possibilities.

Come join us as we rewrite Harry's 6th year at Hogwarts.

*This RP is not meant to follow the events of book 6.
**This is a message board based RP.

Game| Rules| Application| Taken Characters

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[Jan. 6th, 2009|07:39 pm]

It's been three years since the war; Voldemort's been defeated and the side of light has won. Everything seems calm and peaceful. But is it really? Are the survivors of the war dealing with the outcome as well as they seem to be? Is there another dark force biding its time?

Only one thing is certain, nothing is what it seems and people change in unexpected ways.

Come Join us at our Canon compliant (sans epilogue) RPG!

Rules | Canon Character Application | Minor/Orignal Character Application | Taken Characters | OOC Community | Game Community

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Magnus Nocens [Dec. 12th, 2008|04:27 pm]

It's been three years since the war; Voldemort's been defeated and the side of light has won. Everything seems calm and peaceful. But is it really? Are the survivors of the war dealing with the outcome as well as they seem to be? Is there another dark force biding its time?

Only one thing is certain, nothing is what it seems and people change in unexpected ways.

Come Join us at our Canon compliant (sans epilogue) RPG!

Rules | Canon Character Application | Minor/Orignal Character Application | Taken Characters | OOC Community | Game Community

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FIC: We're All Right 1/1 (PG) [Mar. 12th, 2008|03:40 pm]

Title: We're All Right
Author: [info]zephre
Rating: PG
Characters: Luna, Neville
Word Count: 1500
Prompt: 100 quills table 50.2: Breathing
Summary: Missing moment in the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts.
A/N: I'm debating a follow-up to this. No beta or anything, so feel free to comment with concrit.

(story at my journal)

p.s. hello, asylum!
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theme [Oct. 1st, 2007|05:43 pm]

[Tags|, ]

The theme for this month is Experiment.

Take it as you like. Remember to tag your entries with challenge 3. Art, fic, drabbles, icons, any sort of fanwork is acceptable for the challenge as long as the main characters are Neville and Luna.
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Monthly Challenge [Sep. 3rd, 2007|01:17 pm]

The theme for this month is Fruit!

Here are a few to get you started:
Peach, Berry, Cheery, Orange, Apple, Melon, Pear, Plum

Remember to tag your entries with challenge 2. Art, fic, drabbles, icons, any sort of fanwork is acceptable for the challenge as long as the main characters are Neville and Luna.
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Neville/Luna: A Moment In The Sun [Aug. 20th, 2007|11:18 pm]
[Current Mood |tired]
[Current Music |shine like the sun damien leith]

Title: A Moment In The Sun
By: mandy-jg
Rating: Any Age
Summary: "I like you Neville Longbottom."
Pairing: Neville/Luna
A/N: For the "Wands of the Woods" Challenge at govt-stole-toad (LJ), nearly actually forgot my wood. "Rowan". And once again proving that endings hate me. And SPOILERS for DH. Not big ones, but they are there.

A Moment In The Sun

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[Aug. 19th, 2007|10:59 pm]

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Artist: [info]pinkelephant42
Rating: G
For the first asylum challenge, prompt: friend.
Link to the art
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Challenge 1 [Aug. 15th, 2007|01:43 pm]

Our first challenge will be a short one, and will end on August 31. So we're not expecting the next great HP epic. :)

No claiming this round, but how many of these can you do in the next 2 1/2 weeks?

Please tag your entries with challenge 1.

Crumple-Horned Snorkack
Dumbledore's Army
Sorting Hat
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