Sep. 12th, 2007


Lesser Dreams - Five Things That Never Happened To Harry Potter | PG

My first submission to 5_nevers on LJ

Draco Malfoy: 145 )

Ginny Weasley: 120 )

Sirius Black: 115 )

Severus Snape: 150 )

Voldemort: 160 )


20 Random Facts About Lily Evans Potter | PG

Rating: PG. Ominous thoughts and a couple of assaults.
Summary: 20 things Lily would probably prefer nobody knew, to be perfectly honest.
Author's Notes: Written for LJ-er iulia_linnea's Random Facts Fest. You can't go wrong, claiming a Potterverse character to be random with, or choosing one (or more) of the prompts to inspire you to create fic and/or art.

Lily's parents were enchanted by the world their youngest had gone to live in. )


Order of the Phoenix R&R, Part XII: The Monty Python Moments | SS, AD, RL, HP | G

House: Ravenclaw
Also Posted: hp100 entry
Rating: G
Characters: Assorted Order Members
Challenge: Staff Development
Word count: 100
A/N: Muaaaahahahaaaa... a theme I'm sure we all recognise.

51. To all Muggleborns and children of the 1960s: Monty Python recitations during Order meetings are not appreciated.

52. While Charming Severus to sing, 'I have to push the pram-a-lot' in basso profundo is undoubtedly amusing, it can only end in tears.

53. "Run away!" is not our new battle cry.

54. Stop saying "Ni!" This means YOU, Remus.

55. Any further questions regarding the airspeed of swallows will result in Arithmancy tutorials.

56. Please stop re-enacting the Dead Parrot Sketch using Kreacher. It's rude.

57. Taunting Harry Potter with couplets from Brave Sir Robin is really quite cruel, Severus.


Summary Executions XXXV: Stubborn Git/Sway/Dave's Not Here, Man/Bloody Hell | PG-13

Stubborn Git )

Sway )

Dave's Not Here, Man )

Bloody Hell )


10 Messages, Never Received | PG

Title: Peter Pettigrew: 10 Messages, Never Received
Also Posted: soberloki entry
Warnings/Rating: HBP spoilers, if you squint. Also, a tiny bit of bad language.
Disclaimers/Author notes: I still have a bizarre feeling of sympathy for this character. Dang it, Brain, stop that! Ye hairy goats on the hill, I do love these meme thingers.

10 Messages )


20 Random Facts About Peter Pettigrew | Marauders, LE, HP, SS, OFC | PG-13

TITLE: 20 Random Facts About Peter Pettigrew
AUTHOR: [info]soberloki, duh.
DISCLAIMER: Not mine! Never was or will be.
NOTES: Because I can? I felt a weird sympathy for the little rat bastard. And yeah, I can't resist a meme. Especially in my favorite fandom.

20 Things )

October 2007




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