Sep. 12th, 2007


Lesser Dreams - Five Things That Never Happened To Harry Potter | PG

My first submission to 5_nevers on LJ

Draco Malfoy: 145 )

Ginny Weasley: 120 )

Sirius Black: 115 )

Severus Snape: 150 )

Voldemort: 160 )


Loki | HP/DM | PG

H/D comment ficlet. OMFG, this is why I can't write Draco. He comes out as a slightly retarded girl. *is only mildly mortified*

[info]dripping_cherry had a poll; it inspired me. This is what it would look like if Harry and Draco decided to include me in their fun. Harry's not as dense as he seems, y'know. Note: Edited for very minor non-Brit-ness.


"Harry, her name is Loki. That means she'll be mischievous. You said we should spice things up!" Draco wiggled impatiently, like a puppy waiting at the front door with his leash.

Harry pondered that image and decided against bondage. Draco would want to wear leather trousers all the time. The noises alone would send him into hysterical laughter, and Draco didn't do well with that at all.

"Yes, her name is Loki, and you should know better. Loki wanted to end the world by triggering Ragnarok, and got stuck under a mountain with a serpent dripping poison on his head for all eternity. Not the sort we want in our bed. Don't you read any of those leatherbound monstrosities you rescued from the Manor?"

Draco pouted. "There are over five hundred books, I haven't gotten to them all. Anyway, this is a girl Loki." He smirked. "She's got red ha-air."

Harry, though he'd only briefly been interested in Ginny, perked up a bit. "Really? A redheaded Loki... er, wait. You seem to know an awful lot about her, and I've never met her at all. Where did you meet this woman?"

Draco clasped his hands over his chest and looked positively gleeful. "You said the internet didn't have anything good on it!"


Dribble | HP/DM, RW, OC | MPREG | PG-13

Title: Dribble
Word Count: 400
Prompt: A 400-word dribble pertaining to the relationship of Harry and Draco.
Notes: Get Ron drunk and interview him, see what happens?

They know you're doing this, eh? )


Bugger This | HP, DM, various Slytherins and Gryffindors | Q for silly.

Title: Bugger This
Author: [info]soberloki
Word Count: 425
Notes: Um, crack. Yeah.

One morning, Harry Potter sat for breakfast at the Slytherin table. Millicent, Pansy, Theodore, Blaise, and Crabbe gaped at the interloper as he settled next to Draco Malfoy. Goyle was already involved in his scrambled eggs, and couldn't be bothered.

What are you doing, Potter? )

Feb. 28th, 2007


Something Good | HP/DM, OFC | R

Title: Something Good
Players: Harry/Draco, OFC
Word Count: 560-ish
Notes: After the War ends, someone stumbles upon something good.

The world is a strange, strange place. )

October 2007




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