Sep. 12th, 2007


Guilt | PG | snape100 - time travel

Title: Guilt
Author: [info]soberloki
Rating: PG
Also Posted: here
Author Notes: Found this in an old file, and with minor editing, made it work.

     Please, thinks Severus Snape. Please, let him-

     He never asks for things. He knows better than to hope for salvation, or joy, or anything really. He doesn't deserve it.

     There's so much ground to cover, here to there, and he's never felt so slow, so incapable, so bloody lost. The green glow will come soon and he’s close, soclose, and then it's done.



     It's like a bell rung in the hollows of his body, his stomach, his throat, behind his eyes.

     Harry deserves to win, but it's Severus who asked, so. No hope, then.

     What have I done?


The Theory | PG | Severus/George

Title: The Theory
Character/Pairing(s): Severus/George
Word Count: 100
Rated: PG for naked Weasley
Challenge: [info]snape100 #145 – Snape, the Animagus
Notes: Snape rarepairs are my favorites!

     "One theory is that Animagus forms are facets of the personality, expressed as animals. But there's another... not as popular, but it might explain this."

     Snape returned to human form, sneering. "Do enlighten me, Mister Weasley."

     George flicked the sheet at Severus. "Don't be like that, I'm not telling anyone."

     Severus refrained from snarling, Better not, if you know what's good for you, and instead raised his eyebrow.

     George loved that eyebrow. "Right, this other theory is that a form can be a missing bit of a personality." He grinned. "Honestly, does anything about you resemble a Puffskein, normally?"


A Smile | G

Title: A Smile
Characters: Snape & ??
Word Count: 100
Rated: G
Challenge: [info]snape100 #144 - mystery character draw
Notes: cut to preserve the mystery

A Smile )


Severus Snape and the Broom of Misdemeanor | SS/HP | R

Challenge: #153 - Severus Snape and the Random Book Title.
Rated: R
Word count: 100, of course
Also Posted: Snape100
A/N: The generated title made me giggle, and then this came to me.

On first entering his office... )


The Swedish Chef | SS, HP, MM | G

Author: [info]soberloki
Characters: Snape, McGonagall, Harry
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: #124: Severus Snape and the Boy Who Lived
Author's Notes: Harry's 3rd or 4th year, inspired by an icon created by LJ-er graphicalrum.

"... Severus? What’s going on here?"

Snape glowered at McGonagall. "There's something wrong with the boy. His classmates should count themselves lucky I acted so quickly."

McGonagall sighed. "Why did you hex Mister Potter, please?"

Snape mentally reviewed the afternoon's Double Potions class. "I believe he is under the Dark Lord's control. He spoke in a language I did not understand."

McGonagall nodded slowly. "What did it sound like? Was it Parseltongue?"

Snape frowned again, at the Petrified form of Harry Potter, propped against the wall. "No. He mumbled and sang to himself, and then he said, 'Bork bork bork'."


Hands | SS, HP, JP | PG

Challenge #117: Aversion
Title: Hands
Characters: Severus Snape, Harry Potter, mentions of James Potter
Rating: PG for suggestive imagery
Author: soberloki

Break me, break me, you'd like to, Severus hears, humming at the back of his skull. Potter's hands clench and flex, and Severus fights the urge to dance back the step it would take for comfort.

He dresses himself against these moments, robes armor against contact. It's bad enough he can't be one thing to everyone, must be three or four, and sometimes many more than that, but if Potter's hands... well. He won't think about that.

Twenty years on, and he still can't heal the brand of clawed fingers, faced daily with the living image of his former tormentor.

October 2007




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