Weekly Bujold-based Fic Challenges' Journal
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Sunday, February 17th, 2008

    Time Event
    Last week's LJ posts and this week's prompt
    We had three fics this past week! All are set in the Vorkosigan 'verse, so I won't list fandom for each.

    Title: Hearts A-Flutter
    Author: [info]wombathouse
    Rating: G
    Characters: Martya, Kareen
    Prompt: hearts

    Title: Wretched Matter
    Author: [info]katealaurel
    Rating: G
    Character: Miles (Miles/Ekaterin)
    Prompt: bad poetry

    Title: Surrounded by Roses
    Author: [info]quietann
    Rating: PG-13
    Characters: Miles/Gregor (A Deeper Season AU)
    Prompt: bad poetry

    This week's prompt is "out of season flowers." What's with roses in February, right? Doesn't have to be roses though. Could be any flower, and it doesn't have to be forced hothouse style. It could be, or it could be a sign of a miracle (Chalion) or of something to do with the land magic in the Wide Green World. It also doesn't have to be winter, and it doesn't have to be romantic, just something to do with flowers blooming when they would normally have no business doing so.

    Previous prompts are always available to be written/drawn/iconed/whatever and can be found here.

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