Weekly Bujold-based Fic Challenges' Journal
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Sunday, February 10th, 2008

    Time Event
    Last week's posts on LJ and this week's prompt: bad poetry
    Last week we had two fics from [info]quietann on LJ:

    Title: Ordinary Hearts
    Fandom: Vorkosigan
    Character: Gregor
    Rating: PG
    Prompt: hearts


    Title: The Mire
    Fandom: Vorkosigan
    Characters: Gregor and friends
    Rating: G
    Prompt: mud

    Still none over here though. Are the prompts just not grabbing people? Because it seemed like there was some interest at the start.

    This week's prompt is "bad poetry." Could be a lovelorn character trying to compose something (and trying to come up with rhymes for mucopolysaccharide or whatever it was!), something found in a box of old papers, or a deliberately bad poem about any pair (or more - even in canon there's the one TSK triad!) of involved characters.

    Past prompts are always still available for use, and can be found here.

    If you have any other suggestions for romance prompts for February, please do comment to this post with them!

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