Apr. 23rd, 2010




Lost in Time [Lit] is a lost centric universe.

Listed alphabetically by category

LIT is a drama free community! ( the-end-period-dot-com)

You can’t have a community without problems, things happen. I have, as do you enough stress in my life. The black smoke monster will eat characters/players causing drama.

The following tags are for the FAQ. Questions are always welcome. Feel free to email the moderator at the following email address. snowtds@yahoo.com

FAQ's will be continually added. The last tag is a questions option for players.

All thread tags will be are open for your comments.

After everyone has a chance to respond, I'll make any necessary changes, additions, deletions or clarifications. Then I will disable the questions on every tag but the questions tag. If you have any suggestions please tag in the appropriate tag. (I will delete them and close all but the last tag labeled questions. I am not in the best of shape right now, I'm not sure how clear my answers are. I went back through and answered every questioned raised in the OOC. Unfortunately I did not keep the great conversation Miko and I had when the game was starting. Those are not here. Miko if you remember any of them please let me know.

Please read everything. The once a month posting rule goes into affect May 1, 2010. However because of Miko's work schedule, Jess' school, - things we talked about a long time ago, I will not physically check until July 1, giving everyone a month and a half.



Oct. 20th, 2009


Question Set 1

I deleted this one in the move from the IC to the OCC.

In order to get our story arcs going I need to ask some questions, and I’d like you to answer.

1. If you could chose an episode and/or season to begin the community when in the cannon series would you prefer to start from and why? (Your character is alive so that isn’t an issue. Look at the entire series)

2. Regardless of that answer, would you prefer to have the majority of the action occurring on or off the island?

(no wonder I haven't gotten any responses, has to be there for you to respond)