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In the (new) beginning, there were cats. [30 Jun 2012|02:36pm]

Who: Anyone/Everyone
What: It's time for the dreams to begin.
When: Any time, June 30 - July 14
Where: Dreamscape Lightport
Rating: TBD
Warning: Good chance of foul language
Note: Let the game begin! If you're familiar with The Stand, this is pretty much the equivalant to meeting Mother Abigail or Flagg. If you're not, well, these are the dreams that are going to lead your folks to Maine. Any and all characters are welcome to wander around, meet other dreamers, show up on Dane's doorstep, whatever. It's up to you. Please mark the first comment of each thread with the date it takes place and the name(s) of the character(s) involved. Remember, this is a dream, so you can even play one character in multiple threads taking place at approximately the same time without necessarily keeping all of your facts straight.

If news reports still existed... )

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