Lightning Rapier's Fanfic and Other Whatnots

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12/9/07 06:00 am - [info]lightningrapier - One Piece & Prince of Tennis - Atobe/Tezuka, Zoro/Luffy - PG - Two 100-Word Challenges

Title: Two 100-Word Challenges
Author: Emily ([info]lightningrapier)
Fandom: TeniPuri, One Piece
Pairing: Atobe/Tezuka, Zoro/Luffy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Boylove? But they're both pretty generic.
Summary: Atobe responds to Tezuka's challenge. Luffy tries his hand at being cute.
Disclaimer: I don't really know who owns TeniPuri, but it's not me. Eiichiro Oda, however, owns One Piece.
Notes: I just wrote these randomly, and since I wrote them together, I'm posting 'em together.

Originally posted at LJ on August 10, 2006. Moved over because SixApart are fucking whores. :D

Prince of Tennis, Atobe/Tezuka )

One Piece, ZoLu )
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