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Mar. 31st, 2015



roxy and savvy

Feb. 24th, 2015


dream about going up there

Who: Charlene and Roxy
Where: Roxy's home
When: Late afternoon
Note: 'This dialogue' is written words.

Sometimes I hate being a mute. )

Feb. 1st, 2015



for roxy and t.j.

Jan. 6th, 2015


all my bags are packed, i'm ready to go

Who: Charlene and Roxy
Where: The river
When: Late morning

Charlene had a bag. )

Dec. 31st, 2014


it's good to ask for help!

Who: Savvy and Roxy
Where: Bits and Bytes
When: Afternoon

Her computer was possessed! )

Aug. 31st, 2014


hey, i know you!

WHO | Harper & Roxy
WHERE | The Mall
WHEN | Lunchtime

Remember me? )

May. 6th, 2014


What more are you looking for?

Who: Charlene and Roxy
Where: Charlene's shed
When: Directly following this (Early evening)

Charlene had never really thought about her mortality before. )

Apr. 1st, 2014


it doesn't matter how much time passes

Who: Quentin and Roxy
Where: Their Coffee Shop
When: Morning

How long had it been since they had had the chance to sit down and talk one on one? )

Mar. 11th, 2014


food is definitely a good bonding tool

Who: Roxy and Cat
When: Mid-Afternoon
Where: Sidewalks of SO --> Sarah's Place

Roxy was nothing if not a daredevil, even when it came to food. )

Jan. 29th, 2014


someone needs a spoonful of sugar and a punch to the mouth

Who: Roxy and Quinn
Where: UoM Hospital
When: After this.

Roxy didn’t know what was wrong with him, but she really hoped that it was putting him in pain )

Jan. 25th, 2014


we're all trapped too

Who: Jo and Roxy
When: Early Morning
Where: SOHS Lawn

If there was one thing that she hated more than doing nothing, it was feeling useless. )

Jan. 23rd, 2014


cross the open spaces

Who: Charlene and Roxy
Where: Outside the high school
When: Later afternoon

Charlene wanted to surprise Roxy. )

Dec. 29th, 2013


Aw, fuck it.

Who: Roxy and Erin
When: Evening
Where: The school

Of course Erin had been healing all about Scarlet Oak's latest catastrophe, and of course, the whole thing was driving her insane. She supposed at the end of the day she really was just an insufferable know-it-all, and not having the faintest fucking clue what was going on didn't agree with her. And then the rumors started spreading that touching the barrier was making the powers of various supes act 'funny.'

That was not the kind of thing Erin could just ignore.

She left work that night dressed rather low-key, for her, anyway. She parked the hearse a couple blocks away and walked the rest of the way, slowly but surely making her way to the police barricade. It was quite the sight. Barricades, cop cars, fire trucks and ambulances everywhere. Erin knew a good chunk of the people associated with those things. But there were also the military jeeps and humvees. Gubment's not gonna make this easy for me, Erin thought, wrinkling up her nose as she scanned the scene. Fuck it.

Erin looked around until she spotted someone she knew that she thought might not be totally against her idea. Roxy. Roxy was only a paramedic, but she had a sense of adventure, right? Erin made her way over to Roxy's ambulance, nodding her head in greeting. "Sup, girl. Wanna help me do something stupid?"

Jul. 5th, 2013


a soldier on my own, i don't know the way.

Who: Catriona and Roxy.
Where: A random store.
When: Early afternoon.

Apr. 18th, 2013


just another day, saving lives and such

WHO | Nora & Roxy
WHERE | Ambulance
WHEN | Early morning

She wasn't exactly fond of driving in this bad weather, but as heavy as the rain was falling she knew that accidents were prone to happen. )

Jan. 2nd, 2013


you won't get no sleep tonight

Who: Charlene and Roxy
When: Early Evening
Where: The Diaz house

You may lose a few siblings before the night is over, but she’s going to have a great birthday. )

Oct. 15th, 2012


girls night in

Who: Alanna and Roxy
When: Evening
Where: Alanna's apartment

making up for lost time )

Aug. 22nd, 2012


the deeper the wound the harder i swoon

Who: Roxy and Verina
Where: Lenore's Bookstore & Cafe
When: Opening time

I'm getting used to it - you have to get used to it. )

Aug. 6th, 2012


this girl needs energy -- stat!

Who: Harper and Roxy
When: Early Afternoon
Where: Sherry's Bakery

Roxy made a face as she looked down to the ineffective coffee. )

Jul. 17th, 2012


Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?

Who: Charlene and Roxy
Where: Down by the river
When: Afternoon

I've got whoosits and whatsits galore - you want thingamabobs? I got twenty. )

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