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Aug. 27th, 2014


if i die young bury me in satin.

Who: Daniel, Zoie and Regan
Where: Amazing Grace Church
When: Early evening
Warnings: Violence, character death

The sharp of a short life. )

Jul. 2nd, 2014


she talks to angels

Who: Regan & Zoie
Where: Zoie & Nora's home
When: Early afternoon

'Sorry. He's Irish.' )

Jan. 29th, 2014


the sound of silence

Who: Regan and Cels
When: Evening
Where: Rooftops, near U of M Hospital

It was a weird thing to accept as a 50-year-old woman that you'd never actually experienced dead silence before. Oh, sure, Cels thought she had, but she was wrong. There was always a thought somewhere far away or the buzz of electricity... not anymore. Ever since she'd tried to project her telepathy past the barrier and hear for someone inside the world had gone well and truly silent. She was functioning with this as best she could. She knew, for one thing, that her encounter with the barrier had gone a fuck of a lot better than either of her brother's. She also had a familiar that could kind of help her communicate.

'Kind of' was the key phrase. He couldn't tell her exactly what was being said, but their link was so strong that he almost didn't need the telepathy. He could put the ideas in her head, and she could logic them out. Nine times out of ten, when people spoke to her, she guessed right at what had been said. She'd also taken to carrying a notepad around, and her smartphone had this awesome little app where she could type and it would talk. All good things.

Going back to the barrier today? Had not been a good thing. )

Jan. 13th, 2014


let mercy come and wash away what i've done

WHO | Nora & Regan
WHERE | Her apartment → U of M Hospital
WHEN | Early Morning

It didn't matter that the people here knew her and Zoie; Nora was prepared to tear the world apart if it meant she would get to her sister. )

Jun. 30th, 2013


draw me a smile

Who: Regan and Zoie
Where: UofM hospital lunchroom
When: Mid-afternoon

But Nora was not there and what Nora did not know would not hurt her. )

Jan. 29th, 2013


you have limitations don't go chasing flies

Who: Regan and Zoie
Where: UofM Hospital
When: Morning

Why are my genetics such a bitch? )