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Mar. 29th, 2015


you won't see me fall apart

Who: Nick and Jenny
When: Late morning
Where: Grocery store in town

I can’t believe this is happening. )

Feb. 16th, 2015


A few times I've been around that track

Who: Tessa and Nick (plus an NPC neighbor, plus familiars)
Where: Outside Camelot Place to start
When: Morning

So it's not just gonna happen like that. )

Dec. 31st, 2014


big brother, big brother. wherefore art thou, big brother?

Who: Nick and Jenny
When: Early Evening
Where: UoM Hospital

Compliance was easy for her to feign when she knew she had no intention of actually doing what she was told. )

Mar. 1st, 2014


getting back to where you belong

Who: Nick and Jenny
When: Mid-Morning
Where: Nick's Apartment

Hey man, you lookin’ to adopt an abandoned iguana? )

Jan. 4th, 2014


This shit ain't cute.

Who: Nick and Erin
When: Morningish
Where: U of M hospital

Erin was getting real used to seeing people die in the most bizarre and horrific ways possible.

She had really, really hoped that she'd go to sleep and wake up in the morning and whatever the barrier had done to her would have worn off and she could be normal again. The second she had hit her alarm clock off, only to see it being used to bludgeon someone to death, she knew this was not the case.

That morning had been a special sort of hell, and Erin had learned early on that she needed to get out of her house while somehow managing to touch as few things as possible. She could handle horror-movie images in her head at all times, but not when they involved her family members. She'd dressed and hauled ass out of the house. By the time she'd driven to work she'd mentally experienced her car being used to run people down no less than three times before she realized she had to keep her hands on the steering wheel at all times and move as little as possible.

At the hospital, the first thing she did was don a pair of plastic gloves. She tried to keep as much of her skin as possible covered. This seemed logical.

She then proceeded to ask every person she encountered to rate the level of trauma in their life on a one to ten scale. This was somewhat less logical, but anytime she got a five or lower, she touched them. Just because she had to keep checking if it wore off. This was the sort of mood she was in when she leaned gently against the elevator wall, needing to go get a coffee. She needed a lot of coffee for this. And then the elevator doors opened and she saw Nick.

"Nick!" Fuck, man. She just couldn't help it. "Perfect. On a scale of one to ten, one being you once had a bad picture day at school and ten being a survivor of the Titanic only to end up dying of cancer after suffering through twenty years of an abusive marriage to someone who routinely made you watch them murder puppies, how traumatic would you say your life has been?"

Dec. 28th, 2012


next thing you know you're eating hospital food

Who: Nick and Erin
When: Lunch
Where: UofM Hospital

To tell the honest to God truth, Erin had been a little pissy ever since there had been rumors of the actual corpse of an angel in town, and she hadn't been allowed to see it. She'd been called at home and told to go to a different morgue that day, because the government had taken that case over. It was probably a pretty morbid thing to be annoyed over, but as depressing as things had been lately, that really would have been interesting. Her mood was steadily picking up, however. Enough so that the last few days or so she'd been going to the cafeteria for lunch, as opposed to just eating in the morgue (which had a tendency to squick out a lot of the hospital staff).

Honestly, Erin found it easier to eat in the morgue. Every time she ventured into the cafeteria she could guarantee that there'd be at least one person who knew her on sight who would give her the 'oh God, oh God, please tell me she washed her hands' look. She walked into the cafeteria and people tended to give her a wide berth, as if they expected her to reek of death. Sometimes this wasn't a problem. But today, the cafeteria was crowded, and she was having trouble finding an empty table. She was just about to take her tray back to the morgue, when she realized Dr. Bryant was sitting alone. She didn't know him very well, though they'd certainly talked a couple of times. Maybe he wouldn't mind the company. She headed over, standing a healthy distance away in case he was one of the people who found her to be particularly icky. "Hey, are you opposed to company? Everywhere else is full."

Nov. 26th, 2012


the days seem like an endless journey.

Who: Nick and Quinn.
Where: U of M hospital; random staff lounge.
When: Night.

Honestly Nick wasn’t even sure where it was he had ended up. )

Aug. 7th, 2012


a rhythm to our lives.

Who: Nick and Elena, featuring Major (NPC).
Where: The lobby of Camelot Place.
When: Evening.

He thought about whapping the familiar lightly on the head with the mail, but he opted against it. Major had claws, after all, sharp claws, and wasn't afraid to use them, especially when he felt he had a point to make. )

Jun. 30th, 2012


I'm gonna get in trouble

Who: Nick and Circe
When: Late night
Where: U of M Hospital

I'm gonna start a fight. )

Jun. 29th, 2012


I know good things, I know bad as well

Who: Naoki and Nick (plus Naoki's familiar Snowball, NPC'd)
Where: The park
When: Early afternoon

Any witness of the world can tell. )

Jun. 16th, 2012


don't let demons in your hospital

Who: Bubbles and Nick
When: During the elementary school field trip
Where: UofM hospital

'I had to use a lotta red here.' )