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Mar. 18th, 2014



For Dominic & Keira, full-moon happenings. (Once the double date from hell scene progresses!)

Jan. 4th, 2014


I want your love and I want your revenge

Who: Dominic and Keira
When: 12:30pm, before the double date from hell
Where: Ann Arbor ---> restaurant

You and me could write a bad romance. )


the double date from hell

Who: Dominic, Camilla, Castel, and Keira
When: Evening
Where: The twin's penthouse --> Restaurant

Camilla was trying very hard to remain in the birthday spirit. )

Dec. 21st, 2013


Found in forbidden nights, sharp as glass and twice as bright

Who: Eileen and Keira
Where: random bar in Scarlet Oak
When: after 10pm
Warnings: Magical curses!

Your heart understood mine. )


Welcome to the inner workings of my mind

Who: Lauren and Keira
Where: The Painted Bird Tattoo
When: early afternoon, around 3pm

She figured that anyone here would know better than she did, and she had absolutely nothing to gain from being her usual self. )

Dec. 16th, 2013


We can't control the time

Who: Isaiah and OPEN
Where: The grocery store
When: Late afternoon

But right now I'll take what I can get out of my life. )

Dec. 9th, 2012


the things you see are not the things that i see.

Who: Castel and Keira, featuring Noctis (NPC).
Where: The park.
When: Early afternoon.

He actually liked snow. Not for the same reasons that children and other innocents enjoyed it, but there was something pure and powerful and unapologetic about it that he couldn’t help but appreciate. )

Oct. 29th, 2012


So I cross my heart and I hope to die

Who: Dominic and Keira
Where: Cherryblossom Place
When: late evening, around 10pm
Warnings: TBD, but most likely NSFW

That I'll only stay with you one more night. )

Apr. 28th, 2012


You and me could write a bad romance

Who: Dominic and Keira
Where: A shady bar of ill repute, of course.
When: Evening

'cause you're a criminal as long as you're mine.  )

Apr. 1st, 2012


I howl when we're apart

Who: Dominic and Keira, with Crowe (NPC'd)
Where: The twins' place // Keira's apartment
When: 4:30pm, shortly after this

The saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound )

Feb. 10th, 2012


Memories like bullets they fired at me from a gun

Who: Dominic and Keira
Where: A bar in Scarlet Oak
When: Evening

A crack in the armor, yeah. )

Dec. 18th, 2011


May your sorrows have a name

Who: Keira and an unlucky NPC'd woman
Where: Briarwood Mall in Ann Arbor
When: late afternoon, just before sunset
Warning: Minor blood magics!

And day is dark as night, no remorse and no redemption )