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Apr. 20th, 2015


Oh darlin', what have I done?

WHO: Julian and Jo
WHEN: Mid-day
WHERE: The Summers House

During the space of time where everyone's memories had been wiped, Julian had been taken to a time before any of the ugliness between him and his family had ever happened. He'd been the good son he'd always been; he'd even hugged his mother. Getting his memories back had been hard. For three days, he'd avoided any and all eye contact with his mother. He didn't hate her; but he couldn't help the words that came out of his mouth when they were talking. Well, when she was talking. Julian mostly yelled nowadays. The blank slate had given them the chance to see what life could be like if Julian wasn't so messed up...it had been beautiful. But they couldn't get back to that. Julian didn't know how. Julian didn't know if he could. There was too much hurt and no matter how much he tried to rationalize it wasn't her fault, all of his anger was directed at her.

But life needed to go on. )

Dec. 26th, 2014



WHO: Julian & Jani
WHERE: Coffee shop
WHEN: Morning

Pack loyalties demanded that he be at home right now, trying to see what could be done for members of the Summers Pack that had just gotten out of the high school, as well as trying to provide what assistance he could to those that hadn't been inside but were suffering from exhaustion from fretting during the ordeal. But Julian couldn't. He knew that Trent was coming to have a meeting with August about what to do with the pack. And while, realistically, Sasha would have been just as accepted had they taken the time to mature before making their decision and had she not been every bit as venomous as a human being as she was a snake, Julian's imaginary slights were real to him. It didn't help that no one had ever sat him down and explained it to him...not that he would listen to it now. Not that he would have listened then. At any rate, here he was sitting in a coffee shop, ignoring the texts requesting his location from his mother. In his defense, he'd responded to the first one by telling her he had to study. He'd ignored any subsequent messages. He was waiting for her to give up and make one of his sisters text him for his location instead. He couldn't deny them.

Keep your hands off my coffee. )

Mar. 11th, 2014


i'm fine and dandy with the me inside

WHO | Julian and Glenda
WHERE | Starbucks
WHEN | Afternoon

Groupie auditions are next Thursday )

Jan. 15th, 2014


Don't lose your temper

WHO: Julian & Lux
WHERE: Police Station
WHEN: Early afternoon

The donuts were a bribe. )

Dec. 27th, 2013


In the middle of September

WHO: Julian & August
WHEN: Late night
WHERE: Summers Pack territory, Packlands
WARNINGS: Possible copious amounts of swearing from Julian because he has issues

Nothing to lose but everything to gain. )

May. 23rd, 2013


They say love is blind...

WHO: Julian & Farren
WHERE: The Owl's Nest -> Berry Bucket
WHEN: July 2002

...especially when your date gouges out your eyes at first meet. )

Feb. 10th, 2013


and the steps taken yesterday will beckon again.

Who: Sam and Julian.
Where: The Summers house; the back yard.
When: Mid-afternoon.

Sam had never gone to school, he wasn’t entirely sure what a school book looked like and what made it so different from other books but he had come to realise that those ones tended to carry heavier scents than the others. )

Jan. 8th, 2013


Hello, friend; it's been so long

WHO: Nora & Julian
WHERE: Streets, downtown-ish
WHEN: Midday

Do you remember me? )

Nov. 18th, 2012


you're not as brave as you were at the start.

Who: Sam, Lotti, and Julian.
Where: In town, not far from an ice cream parlour!
When: Afternoon.

Maybe this hadn’t been a good idea after all. )

Sep. 21st, 2012


Life keeps bringing me back to you

Who: Julian and Marisa + Julian's twins & Jacob (NPCs)
Where: Scarlet Oak Community Park
When: Late afternoon

It was a set-up. It was a goddamned set-up. Julian wasn't entirely sure how a pair of two-year olds could create that level of deception but they managed. While Julian was not quite in the mood to put together a picnic and leave the animal hospital during a very busy day at work, they twins had been screaming about it since before breakfast. Caving - as he always did when it came to Cleo & Chloe - led to him preparing a fairly decent (if simple) picnic basket of turkey sandwiches, apple juice, and cookies. The twins had even insisted they were so hungry that they needed extras. And Julian believed them. He really shouldn't have.

Once they were at the park, the twins practically jumped out of their stroller and made a beeline for a patch of flowers. Throwing their picnic basket into their stroller and chasing after them, Julian realized all too late that his twin sisters had somehow magically put him within two feet of Marisa. Of all the things. Really, the twins probably didn't know better about the situation between him and Marisa and thought that kidnapping the much bigger and much older Jacob was completely all right. He watched as the twins dragged the leopard cub away to climb trees. The twins weren't very good at it because dogs weren't made to climb but they insisted on learning. Even if they could only really crawl onto shrubs at this point.

"Hey," Julian muttered after the silence became strained.

Jul. 20th, 2012


plenty of tea and sympathy

Who: Julian and Venus
When: Afternoon
Where: Venus' apartment

Well that was... strange, Venus decided, continuing to stare at her phone a moment longer before finally hanging up. Julian had just called her and asked if he could come over and talk. He had sounded like he was having a bad day, and he had mentioned he needed a woman's perspective. Yes, strange. Strange and odd and... well, okay, possibly fantastic as far as pack politics were concerned. She sure as hell wasn't about to turn August's best friend down in a request for help. Besides, she'd met Julian before. He'd always been kind to her. That alone meant Venus was willing to bend over backwards to help out once or twice if the opportunity arose.

The apartment was clean, but Venus still went about the superficial act of tidying up for company. She put the tea kettle on the stove and made sure there was beer in the fridge, just to cover her bases. She shot a quick text to her sister, and debated texting Trent and August as well. No, after. She didn't know what Julian wanted to talk about. After would be better.

After that... well, Venus just sat in the living room and waited. She was already dressed, though she'd had no intentions of going out today. It was miserable out there. She wore a ratty pink dress she never wore in public, but it wasn't indecent. Just old. Had been in the back of her closet since her college days. Oh well. It'd do. Casual was good.

Now what the hell could he possibly want?

Jun. 29th, 2012


We got a thing going on

Who: Julian and Marisa
Where: Starbucks
When: Morning, before work

Holding hands, making all kinds of plans. )

Mar. 8th, 2012


I can't wait to get up in the morning

Who: Julian and Kyle
What: Bros being bros
When: After school
Where: Packlands => Town

And do it all over again. )

Jan. 15th, 2012


I, I lost you

Who: Julian, Marisa and Jacob (NPC)
Where: Ann Arbor
When: Post 11:37am

One minute she was grinning and catching Jacob's hat before it flew away, thinking of what to text next while wondering if she'd be able to catch a glimpse of August just to wiggle her fingers at him and see him frown, and the next she was slumped against a wall with what felt a lot like pieces of glass embedded in her skin. The sky was clouded and there was all this noise. It was worse than downtown traffic in L.A. And she felt like she'd gotten hit by some sort of a truck. Groaning, ignoring the similar sounds from around her, Marisa pushed herself up onto her knees and shook the ringing out of her ears. Those bits of glass were going to take a bit more work. After she figured out what the hell had just happened. "Jacob, are you okay?" Marisa turned towards where her son had been only to realize that that wasn't right. Because she wasn't where she had just been. She'd moved without remembering and Jacob... she couldn't see him. "Jacob?" Ignoring the shrieks of protest from her body, Marisa scrambled to her feet and started to scream Jacob's name at the top of her lungs. He'd want to come. It had been his idea. He'd just wanted to have a bit of fun around other supernaturals and she hadn't seen anything wrong with it. There hadn't been anything wrong with it.

Until right the when there was absolutely everything wrong and Marisa forgot about everything that had been happening before because Jacob was gone.

Oct. 26th, 2011


Wanting to start again

Who: Julian and Marisa
Where: Restaurant
When: Evening

Did you know there's still a chance for you. )

May. 8th, 2011


I've been bleeding from this old wound

Who: Julian, Marisa + the twins (NPC-Jackie) & Jacob (NPC-Paige)
When: Late morning
Where: Scarlet Oak Community Park

Cleaning it with salt, so it will still feel new. )

Nov. 16th, 2010


The one that got away

Who: Julian, the twins (NPC) and Marisa
Where: Supermarket
When: Early evening

Saw you downtown singing the blues. )

Oct. 24th, 2010


Who: Julian and Lauren
When: Late afternoon
Where: Woods, then Julian's clinic
What: Lauren's a klutz.

Nature time )