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Apr. 24th, 2014


that's my blood on the line

Who: Nicci and any Normandins!
When: Shortly after 6:06
Where: The school

Someone had come into Nicci's tent and told her that the barrier had gone down. That was all Nicci knew, that was all that she needed to know. She was wide awake and running, running, running - toward the school. She had to get inside, had to see if they were okay. Suddenly, an arm slammed out into her chest, damn near knocking the wind out of her. Lucky shot. Lucky human shot. If she'd been ready for it she could have dodged it easier than walking around a turtle in the street.

"No one enters," some asshole in a uniform commanded. Nicci pulled herself up off of the ground and glared at him. She'd been brought up to respect a person in police uniform, but this guy wasn't the police and he wasn't local - that meant she didn't give half a fuck as to what he thought or said.

"My brothers are in there, you piece of shit," Nicci snarled. "You cannot keep me out."

The uniform assumed a defensive position. "I can, and I will. Those are our orders."

Nicci eyed him. She would have asked 'you and what army,' but she was pretty sure the answer would have been 'the US army.' Oh, fuck it. What was a little treason between family? Nicci moved forward, he grabbed her arm. She took half a second to think about what she wanted to do, and then she saw the front doors of the school open. That was it. Nicci grabbed his arm, flipped him over her shoulder, and ran like hell. She'd find her brothers, and no one was going to tell her she couldn't.

Jan. 27th, 2014


this wrath can't be denied

Who: Lida & Jules
Where: Corner shop
When: Early afternoon
Warning!: Violence


Jan. 4th, 2014


you see, it's in the blood

Who: Nicci & Jules
Where: Outside SOHS
When: Mid-morning

Shit, did he need to answer that? )