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Feb. 21st, 2015


rain check in a downpour

Who: Raphael & Jani
Where: Driving around town
When: Early evening

she was really looking forward to him )

Feb. 1st, 2015


it only took a spell

It had been two days since Janine Matthews woke up with no clear memory of what had brought her to Scarlet Oak. No, she woke with just a sense of comfort and belonging, as though she was right where she was meant to be. On the second day of not having clear memories, she'd had a business name and time written down on her calendar and, assuming she was meant to start work there, dressed for success. What had been intended as an interview became her first day of work, as those at Mickleson and Long, Inc. also assumed she was their new hire. It was quite fortunate, indeed, for Jani, though she likely would have done quite well in the interview, had she had one.

The work was similar enough to what she'd done for years in Denver, so she settled in comfortably that first day. And now she was on her second day of work, organizing the space she had to work in to be far more efficient than her predecessor had it. Being an efficient individual, it was quite frustrating dealing with the disorder, but she knew that within a day or two she would have things organized to her standards.

Although she was unaware of it, the best part of these past few days was the fact that she had not been plagued with thoughts of Benjamin, of what she'd had with him, what they'd wanted, or what had been ripped from them with one sloppy mistake in their affair. The spell that had taken over the town had given her precisely what she'd come to Scarlet Oak for in the first place: a fresh start.

Dec. 26th, 2014



WHO: Julian & Jani
WHERE: Coffee shop
WHEN: Morning

Pack loyalties demanded that he be at home right now, trying to see what could be done for members of the Summers Pack that had just gotten out of the high school, as well as trying to provide what assistance he could to those that hadn't been inside but were suffering from exhaustion from fretting during the ordeal. But Julian couldn't. He knew that Trent was coming to have a meeting with August about what to do with the pack. And while, realistically, Sasha would have been just as accepted had they taken the time to mature before making their decision and had she not been every bit as venomous as a human being as she was a snake, Julian's imaginary slights were real to him. It didn't help that no one had ever sat him down and explained it to him...not that he would listen to it now. Not that he would have listened then. At any rate, here he was sitting in a coffee shop, ignoring the texts requesting his location from his mother. In his defense, he'd responded to the first one by telling her he had to study. He'd ignored any subsequent messages. He was waiting for her to give up and make one of his sisters text him for his location instead. He couldn't deny them.

Keep your hands off my coffee. )

Jun. 16th, 2014


Step Two: Food Must Be Acquired

Who: Jani, Open
Where: Sunny's Diner
When: About 1pm

After getting to the hotel and checking in, thankful that they'd had a room available and that there was no early check-in fee, Jani went up and took a steaming shower to try to stave off the exhaustion that was setting in. It did help, but she knew that she would fall on her face soon if she didn't get something to eat. She was feeling quite a bit less stressed about the whole move, and she was thinking she would go find food, and then come back and start looking for a job in the area.

The girl at the front desk seemed eager to point her in the direction of good, local diner. She knew she would far prefer a locally owned diner over some big-chain fast food or restaurant. As she pulled up to the diner, she thought that it looked quaint, and she also noticed absently that it was close to her hopefully soon-to-be-residence.

When she walked into the diner, she looked around briefly before deciding to just take a seat at the counter, taking a menu from one of the passing servers with a smile and thanks. Because she hadn't eaten since the night before and knew she was very hungry, it was just a matter of managing to focus enough to figure out what she wanted to eat.


Step One: Roof Over Head

Who: Jani, Margie (NPC) (solo)
Where: Around town
When: Morning, wrapping up around noon

Sleep could wait until she found a place for her bed... )