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Dec. 6th, 2011


The cure for a heart is to move along

Who: Grayson and Halne
Where: Heme
When: full dark, around 8pm

So move along, so move along )

Aug. 13th, 2011


And who are we to argue fate and who is time to make us wait

Who: Grayson and Saoirse
When: Late night/early morning, take your pick
Where: Gray’s apartment

I'm standing here with nothing left to prove. )

Apr. 25th, 2011


Well I'm child and man and child again

Who: Grayson Mudali, his mother Lina (NPC), and few dream NPCs
When: 1918, after Grayson returned from World War I
Where: His parents' home in London, England

The toy broken boy soldier. )

Feb. 15th, 2011


finding a safe place

Who: Grayson and Saoirse
When: Mid-evening
Where: Heme

Read more... )

Feb. 8th, 2011


With my hands open and my eyes open

Who: Grayson Mudali and OPEN
When: Late afternoon
Where: Heme

I just keep hoping that your heart opens. )

Jan. 12th, 2011


We'd waste our weeks beneath the sun

Who: Grayson Mudali and Nikita Vostrikova
When: Afternoonish
Where: Cherryblossom Place

We'd lie and tell our friends it's so much fun out here. )

Nov. 13th, 2010


Listen - I call the shots

Who: Whisper + ...all the vampires who want to show up
Where: Charlton residence (second floor)
When: Evening

So put it on and keep your mouth shut, thanks. )

Oct. 19th, 2010


Let your waters break right through

Who: Eric, Liliya, Elizaveta & Grayson (possibly Elizaveta's blood dolls, NPCs)
Where: Elizaveta's residence
When: Afternoon, before Heme opens

Somebody save me; I don't care how you do it )

Oct. 10th, 2010


I won't surrender until surrounded

Who: Grayson Mudali and Verena Schell
Where: Heme
When: Evening

...Am I surrounded? )

Sep. 14th, 2010


Each touch belongs to each new sound

Who: Gray and Seer
When: Late night or early morning (depending on one's perspective)
Where: Heme for starts

After all, when was the last time he'd just seen her outside of the chaos that was Heme on any given night? )

Aug. 24th, 2010


Holding on to what is right, the truth escaped me twice last night

Who: Grayson Mudali and his sire, Hasim
Where: Grayson's office at Heme, via phonelines
When: Early morning

And now my empty chorus falls on empty ears )

Aug. 17th, 2010


Oh Grayson you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind!

Who: Rose and Prince Charming Grayson
When: Evening
Where: Heme

Almost two months - if not actually two months - in, and Rose still couldn't quite believe she was working at a vampire bar. Hell, that vampires existed was still quite a novelty to her, despite being good friends with one and being surrounded by a ton on a daily (or nightly, rather) basis. Out of all of these, the one who had left a stronger 'mark' on her had undoubtedly been her boss, the owner of Heme. Quiet, collected, and so very breathtakingly gorgeous Grayson. Mr. Mudali, she supposed. Rose hadn't decided whether she should be more or less formal about things. He made her nervous enough as it was, to the point where she had a rough time speaking when he was around; such a thing was terribly embarrassing, but hardly something Rose could do anything about.

It was a crush, just a crush and nothing more. Most people would wait eagerly for it to be over...Rose wasn't sure she even wanted it to end. She liked the feeling, and she couldn't help but want to know more about him, which was probably impossible, because she sure as hell wasn't going to ask, and he didn't look like he'd open up to her any time soon.

Good thing thinking avidly about how 'in love' she was with her boss didn't stop Rose from being able to do her job properly. At least not most of the time. She was circling the tables absent-mindedly nonetheless, oblivious to whatever could very well be in her way. A mess of an accident waiting to happen, but do you think she noticed? Of course not.

Aug. 13th, 2010


It's not that bad, we could have died

Who: Eric Vartan and Grayson Mudali
Where: Heme
When: Early afternoon

Chalk up to being young, prove it was me. )

Jul. 7th, 2010


Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti

Who: Eric & OPEN
Where: St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
When: 11:30 AM

Quia peccavi nimis cogitatione verbo et opere )

Jul. 1st, 2010


It's hard to argue when you won't stop making sense

Who: Jezebelle and Grayson
Where: Heme
When: Evening

Much more exciting for him than sitting and watching the three lonely guys who sat at one end of the bar every Tuesday night like some sort of failed ritual (though Grayson could sympathize; he'd been there too, a great number of years ago). )

Jun. 22nd, 2010


You see I got this American love

Who: Grayson and Saoirse
When: Nighttime
Where: Hittin the town!

Saoirse had been glad to hear from Gray, and happier yet to have that raincheck cashed in. )

May. 25th, 2010


Chicago bursts to life and your sweet smile remembers you

Who: Grayson Mudali and Whisper Charlton
Where: A high-end clothing store in Scarlet Oak
When: Early afternoon

Yes, Grayson had a life (or unlife, as some vampires called it), and yes, he planned to enjoy it. )

May. 5th, 2010


A Job Worth Asking For

Who: Nic and Grayson
Where: Heme
When: Afternoon

It took a bit of thinking for Nic to come up with a reason Heme might employ him, but once he found it he was sure he was perfect for the job. There weren't many people who could boast to be effective in managing troublesome vampires, though Nic knew he'd have to be careful in his wording and how he played it off. He didn't want anyone to feel threatened by his abilities, otherwise working there would be quite unpleasant. That was if he could get the job.

Visiting Heme when it was being used as a shelter was quite different than when it was primarily a bar. It was also the first time he'd stepped inside while there was still light outside, and it took his eyes a moment to adjust. He'd called ahead, so he knew who he was looking for, though he didn't know what he looked like. At least he wasn't the only human in the bar, and for once he wasn't the only one that smelled of death. The demons had done a nice job of seeing to that.

Read more... )

May. 4th, 2010


This should be interesting

Who: Grayson Mudali and Neil MacKenna
When: Early morning
Where: Heme
Why: Because it's just required, at this point

This was the kind of morning that called for a bloody mary, the kind with tomato juice and vodka, not the glass of B+ that Grayson was currently sipping. )

Apr. 25th, 2010


I'll cannonball right through the ceiling and sink my teeth until the feeling's gone

Who: Grayson and Saoirse
When: Nighttime
Where: Heme

Then she remembered her track record with this place. All the humans that kept showing up and making a scene. Probably not the smartest thing for her to say. )

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