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Jan. 19th, 2014


take the pill that's fucking with your mind

Who: Elise
Where: St. Jude's Psychiatric Hospital
When: Night

The place was one of those brightly coloured affairs, like a children's ward. )

Aug. 17th, 2012


a little rain never hurt anyone

Who: Seer and open!
When: Midday
Where: the park of mystery and dayglo flowers

Saoirse Shaddock was in danger of becoming an optimist.

This really wasn't such a strange thing. In her human life, she'd been frequently optimistic. Not so much after death, but with the way things were going? It was possible she was rethinking her situation. Oh yes, there had been dark days - recently, even. And yet things in her life seemed determined to turn around. She was back in school, and despite still getting a lot of whispers as 'that vampire,' she felt good about it. She was growing to really love her job - and the people of various states of humanity she worked with. Her boss was a particular bright spot. And now? Now the park was taken over with a dash of Dr. Seuss, and there was no way Seer could tear herself away. Oh sure, she'd had to work, but between her shifts she kept coming straight back. The weather of the previous days had not stopped her. As a human, the heat would have driven her into life as a hermit. Another bright side to this whole 'being dead' thing.

Oh sure, there was also rain and fog to deal with, but she'd always been the sort of person who liked rain and fog anyway. She set herself up on top of a picnic table with an oversized umbrella. Problem solved. While she didn't mind getting wet herself, she'd rather keep her sketchbook dry. She would have loved to bring a canvas down here and paint her surroundings, but it was too much to lug around - especially in this weather. She sat indian-style on the center of the table, smiling to herself as she sketched. This was some straight up Alice in Wonderland shit. Yes, please!

May. 18th, 2012


you've been hit by, you've been struck by

Who: Gretel and OPEN Elise
Where: Outside a café.
When: Late afternoon.
What: A car accident that’s less than accidental. (Translation: Touch Not the Teenage BWitch.)

The ambulance arrived when Gretel was barely halfway through her strawberry-mango smoothie—which, admittedly, was a whole ten minutes earlier than she'd predicted. )

Jan. 30th, 2012


holy water cannot help you now

Who: Elise & Linnea
Where: U of M hospital
When: Late afternoon

see, I've had to burn your kingdom down. )

Jul. 4th, 2011


1, 2, skip a few 99 I'm bored

Who: Bubbles and Elise
Where: UofM Hospital
When: Three or so

Bubbles was bored.

There were only so many times that she could pretend to be interested in those Highlights magazine with their silly cartoons before she had a strong desire to tear them apart. What sort of doctor's office didn't have toys? No, they weren't really any better than the magazines, but at least then she could find a way to interact with the other children and make them cry. Anything was better than sitting in this hard plastic chair, swinging her legs with her arms crossed over her chest and a definite pout on her face. Her 'aunt' needed to get a check-up on something and since there hadn't been anyone around to watch Bubbles she'd been dragged along. Bubbles couldn't say many nice things about the woman who thought she was in charge of her but one of the ones she could try on was that at least she got to go places. It was just a bad idea to leave her alone in any sort of room when she was bored. She started smiling at people. And while that may have been a good thing for most children it wasn't for Bubbles. Because she wasn't a normal child, or a child at all.

No, when she smiled at people she was hoping they'd come sit down so that she could talk to them. But everyone here was so busy, or sick. Sick people didn't like talking. Which was too bad because Bubbles loved hearing about what they were sick with. Then she could pick it apart and feed it back to them, watch the blood drain out of their face before they demanded to see her mother. Then she'd cry, say her mother was dead, and run to her aunt sobbing about the mean man or lady. Only no one was saying hi. She was going to start throwing things at someone's head any minute now.

Apr. 8th, 2011


Don't think for a beat it makes it better

Who: Elise & Rina
Where: Courtyard @ U of M hospital -- Ann Arbor
When: Afternoon

When you sit her down and tell her everything's going to be alright. )

Oct. 12th, 2010


Seasons don't fear the Reaper

Who: Élise & Raphael, NPC blood dealer
Where: Around by Town Hall... ish
When: After nightfall, very post-debate
Warnings: A Horseman and a Harbinger of Bedlam... what do you think this warning should say? ;)
Words in italics represent words spoken in French.

Nor do the win, the sun or the rain. )

Sep. 15th, 2010


And you caught me through the crack

Who: Elise and Kikuya
Where: Down the street from the church
When: Evening
Warning: Potential violence

Everything is right on track. I am never coming back again. )

Aug. 25th, 2010


It doesn't matter who's wrong or right.

Who: Élise & NPC anti-vampires/supernaturals
Where: The witching hours
When: The park & then the road

Just beat it. )

Aug. 10th, 2010


Bless your soul

Who: Élise & Edward
Where: The park
When: 11:30pm

You really think you're in control? )

Jul. 14th, 2010


Just cover your neck

Who: Élise & OPEN
What: Dinner (warning: violence) & then... bedlam?
Where: Outside the Baptist church
When: The darker side of sunset

'Cause life is full of your regrets, & I should be one. )