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Aug. 23rd, 2014


it's just art for the sake of art

WHO | Cat & Glenda
WHERE | Outside of SOHS
WHEN | Afternoon

It wasn’t that she felt particularly compelled to demonstrate the destruction left in the wake of a crisis; Glenda just thought the trashed grounds made good photographs. )

Mar. 11th, 2014


food is definitely a good bonding tool

Who: Roxy and Cat
When: Mid-Afternoon
Where: Sidewalks of SO --> Sarah's Place

Roxy was nothing if not a daredevil, even when it came to food. )

Feb. 25th, 2014


We've seen some change but we're still outsiders

Who: Cat and Lark
When: Afternoon
Where: Streets of Scarlet Oak, near the woods/W Pennington

Lark had been in Scarlet Oak for a while now, and had been lucky enough to be set up with a job fairly quickly. It was housekeeping for the Budget Lodge, which she'd been okay with, but she quickly learned that their terms of housekeeping were... well, extremely lax. Some of the rooms were downright gross, and she'd been yelled at by her manager today for taking too long on one room. It doesn't have to be immaculate, the man had barked at her. Just put things back in order and wipe down the major stains. Lark did what she was told, but she left work feeling like she could shower for an hour and still not be clean enough. The walk back to the shelter helped her cool off, mentally, but she was already wondering how hard it would be to get in at the Hotel di Sei Ali. The idea that it was a 'supernatural resort' didn't even bother her at this point. At least she would probably not feel so much like she was going to catch a disease from every room she entered. She'd be able to take a bus there, too.

Truthfully, Lark didn't mind the walk. Once she crossed the river and got into the more populated part of town there was a bus stop which would take her most of the rest of the way back, but she didn't always bother. Today she might. She'd never really worried about the full moons back home, but the world was going crazy. She felt a stab of anger at her uncle for bringing her brother and sister here. This place was crazy. Sighing heavily, Lark jumped over a puddle at the side of the road, eyes scanning the trees as she walked. This place was crazy, but it was pretty. She had to at least give it that.

Dec. 23rd, 2013


strange faces in familiar places

Who: August and Cat
When: Afternoon
Where: Summers Property

Had it not been for the ordeal with the school, he would have likely gone through the dance of attempting to discern the intentions of the other were in his territory )

Nov. 22nd, 2013


your eyes are tired and your feet are worn, no one seems to hear your desperate cry.

Who: Sam and Cat.
Where: The edge of Summers territory, in the woods.
When: Late afternoon.

Weather had never been an issue for Sam. Rain, snow, hail, the pack in Montana had gone out in all conditions and they had forced him along with them. As Omega he was to do as he was told by anyone and everyone and he had done so, in later years too cowed and blinded by fear to do anything else. Omegas obeyed. It was as simple as that.

It was so different here, almost as if the Summers didn’t know what Omega meant. Or maybe it wasn’t that, maybe it was something else entirely. Sam was still struggling to even begin to wrap his mind around it, it filled him with a strange kind of anxiety to try and so he didn’t allow himself to do that. In the end that only perpetuated the vicious cycle, Sam’s confusion reared up in full force all over again when any one of them did something even remotely kind or generous. Mrs. Summers had set his breakfast in front of him that morning and thrown his world into a kind of bewildered turmoil all over again despite the fact that she had done that exact same thing every morning since August had brought him back to the house. None of it made any sense to Sam. Not a bit.

Being a wolf always made sense though. It was simple, clear-cut, everything was black and white and there were rules and boundaries. It was easy. Back in Montana Sam had spent a fair amount of his time as a wolf, it had felt safer to him than his human form, and though his white pelt bore subtle signs of skin-deep scars that would never truly fade it had always been that way. Though it was against his nature, his very existence as an Omega, to defend himself, knowing that he could was reassuring. Only once had he made the mistake of turning those teeth of his on a more dominant member of the pack back in Montana. Every time they had gone back up to that site in the mountains Sam had been able to scent the place where he had made that mistake, where they had left him bleeding in the snow to wake half-frozen and alone, forced to limp and stumble his way back to the house. He had been sick for more than a week after that, coughing and aching and feverish, struggling to breathe, shaking so hard that he thought he would shake himself to pieces. Not once had he asked any of them for help. Sam had known better than that by then.

Sam didn’t think the Summers were like that and somewhere deep down he knew that his confusion surrounding that fact was wrong somehow, backwards in a way that should have made him sad. They let him go out on his own, didn’t make him ask for permission even though he had done so out of habit and would probably continue to do so for a long time to come. When he had felt the grass beneath his paws all those confusions and troubles had been left behind with his clothes on the porch, abandoned like his human form for something so much simpler and purer. As he had reached the trees he had paused and glanced back. Mrs. Summers had been on the porch, picking up the clothes he had left there, folding them as she did so, lifting her gaze towards him with a smile before turning to go back into the house.

That had been almost an hour ago. Sam’s exploration had taken him at a slow and curious pace through the trees, sniffing here and snuffling there, investigating the mouths of warrens and holes nestled in the roots of trees where small animals had made their homes. His investigations would have continued in that vein well into the evening if a scent that didn’t belong hadn’t reached him, accompanied by an ice cold flash of fear through his belly.

Sam’s head lifted from the base of the tree he had been sniffing around and his ears rocked fully forward, twitching like his nose as he tried to pinpoint the direction in which the other wolf would appear from. Without even realising he had reached the edge of Summers territory. He didn’t recognise the scent of the other wolf but that didn’t mean anything. The Montana pack could have grown since he left. That fear twisted and knotted in his stomach, tightening uncomfortably, lowering him warily to the ground with his bright eyes fixed on the point where he was certain the other wolf would appear any moment now.

Jul. 5th, 2013


a soldier on my own, i don't know the way.

Who: Catriona and Roxy.
Where: A random store.
When: Early afternoon.

May. 1st, 2013


and after the storm, i run and run as the rains come.

Who: Catriona.
Where: The forest just outside Scarlet Oak
When: Mid-morning.

The rain didn't bother her, not really. )