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Apr. 26th, 2015


I am waiting at the counter for the man to pour the coffee

Who: Raphael and Cameron
Where: Some fancy coffee place
When: Mid-morning

It was by complete chance that out of all the coffee places in all of Scarlet Oak, Raphael had walked into the very one where a celebrity of sorts sat drinking his coffee. And what an interesting celebrity it was. Cameron Calvert, face and heart of the anti-supernatural movement. Pretty, so very pretty, to boot. And Raphael, after the strange week they had all had, was up for some real fun.

After getting his coffee, Raphael eyed the man, licking his lips. Only then did he approach, smile well in place. "Excuse me, Mr. Calvert?" He said, placing his coffee on the table. With this one, Raphael thought it might be best to stroke his ego before attempting to stroke anything else. If, indeed, that sphere of fun could be had. If not, there were always others. "I just wanted to say what a fan of yours I am. I think you are doing great work."

Jan. 27th, 2015


we don't get along, do we?

Who: Cameron and Liliya
Where: Liliya's office
When: Noon

Cameron was slightly confused. )

Feb. 5th, 2014


it's what you all deserve

Who: Amanda, Cameron and OPEN
When: Early afternoon
Where: Outside of SOHS

He had waited.

Cameron had given this little dome disaster at the high school days without making any official statement. Things like that he'd left to his father and the others. They thought he might be afraid or losing his backbone, but that wasn't it at all. No, Cameron had given them time because he didn't want to seem hasty. The last thing he needed to do was step up and say something only to have the barrier fall, the children tumble out unscathed and everyone look at him as though he was insane. No, he'd save that for the zealots who jumped on everything the second it happened instead of giving it time to boil and set. Now the people had seen that it was a problem and it wasn't going to just stop. This had happened because of the supernaturals. If a barrier that kept everyone out wasn't supernatural in origin... he'd be damned by one of those demons they kept screaming about.

"You know why it's happening!" Cameron had to raise his voice to be heard over the general din of voices from the crowd. One of his aides had gotten him a makeshift stand and he was up on it, the notes that had been written forgotten in front of him. Just looking at the school put a sick feeling in his stomach. How could they stand it? All of that magic. It was disgusting, it truly was, and he reached out to take Amanda's hand to reassure himself. That the magic wouldn't touch him. "It's because of them, these supernaturals who flaunt themselves and bring more and more of their magic into the world. What did they do not that long ago? Opened barriers that existed for a reason and released horrors that we still don't know the extent of. Horrors that likely-" He flung his other hand out and pointed to the school. "-caused that to happen to your children! Why do we still embrace them and turn to them for help when clearly they can do nothing? Letting them run free..." He shook his head, a rueful smile on his face. "Has it done any good for us?"

Mar. 12th, 2012


Closing walls and ticking clocks

Who: Cameron and Kiara
When: 5:30 p.m.
Where: Local museum

Part of the disease. )

Jan. 6th, 2012


you used to say live and let live

Who: Amanda & Cameron
When: A little while after 11:37
Where: Home

You know you did. )

Oct. 13th, 2011


It'll be a good birthday

Who: Amanda and Cameron
Where: Home
When: Evening

Partially because mothers aren't invited. )

Jun. 3rd, 2011


I can hear the bells

Who: Amanda and Cameron
Where: Wedding reception
When: Early evening

Can't you hear them chime? )

Mar. 21st, 2011


Coffee with a side of demon

Who: Audra and Cameron
Where: Starbucks
When: Early afternoon

Not your typical fare. )

Mar. 14th, 2011


Close your eyes, everything is fine

Who: Amanda and Cameron
Where: Their home
When: Morning

So long as no one mentions what went wrong. )

Jan. 12th, 2011


My tongue is all twisted around the air

Who: Cameron & Amanda
When: Early evening
Where: Home

I'm looking for words that were so well rehearsed. )

Nov. 8th, 2010


Pulling triggers back on myself

Who: Amanda and Cameron; and their parents (NPCs)
Where: The Calvert home
When: Early evening

And it feels so real from the outside looking in. )

Oct. 12th, 2010


It's like I'm the one you love to hate

Who: Cameron, Liliya & *OPEN* to anyone at the debate
Where: Town Hall
When: 7:30 p.m.ish on, right after this.

Fifteen minutes after her closing statement Liliya felt ready for any questions that the crowd might have for her. Though really, she was more interested in seeing what they threw at Calvert. She had scented several vampires and weres in the crowd and that was not even including the ones who gave off no noticeable odor if they were not cut. She would not have wanted to be in his shoes. And true, hers might be a little tight depending on how intelligent the anti-supernaturals in the crowd were... but the only one she had any degree of recognition for at the current moment was Calvert's fiance. Other than her she had not been exposed to a large number of them and considered herself completely fine with that. She did not need a lesson in bigotry, it always left a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Welcome back," the mediator said to the crowd as they began to settle back down, more than a few holding little plates or cups and Liliya was pleased to see that the vampires had indulged. "Mr. Calvert and Mrs. Kennedy will now be accepting questions from the crowd. But please keep your questions relevant to the topic of supernatural rights and events that tie in with them, direct attacks will not be tolerated on either of them or other members of the audience. Now, first question?" More than a dozen hands shot into the air and Liliya found herself pleased when she realized that at least one vampire was among those with a question. "Yes, you in the second row, what is your question and who is it for?"

Oct. 11th, 2010


There you go - you're always so right

Who: Cameron and Liliya (NPC mediator)
Where: Town Hall
When: 7 o’clock p.m.

It's all a big show it's all about you. )


And I clicked my heels

Who: Cameron & Amanda
Where: Hospital --> Home
When: Noon-ish

Three times, just like you said. )

Oct. 3rd, 2010


I'm not ready to be seen

Who: Cameron & Mael
When: Early morning, before the debate
Where: Cameron's office

I'll just sit right here and spy. )

Jul. 21st, 2010


You say tomato

Who: Cameron and Liliya
When: Later afternoon
Where: Liliya's office in Ann Arbor

I say you're evil. )

Apr. 25th, 2010


These words bore me

Who: Bianca and Cameron
Where: SOHS
When: Early evening

A good way to describe Bianca's current frame of mind was quite possibly 'pissed off to the ends of the earth and back again'. Looking at her no one would have guessed because she was seated on her issued cot with a magazine in her lap, flipping idly through the pages. Closer inspection would have revealed that she was flipping a little fast to actually be reading them. It was not what she had meant to grab on her way out of the apartment, having difficulty finding anything thanks to it being pitch black from a mix of the power being out and the storm raging outside keeping the sun from helping even a little. Why had there even been a People magazine in her apartment? It was disgusting!

Pushing her hair out of her face again - it was starting to frizz - Bianca lifted her eyes up to glance around the gym. A few people that she recognized from the university but the majority was unfamiliar to her. All hiding out because they're afraid of something. She was not there out of fear but necessity. Her irritation was not helped at all by the fact that she could feel a migraine starting up near the base of her skull. It had not reached the unbearable point yet, but she knew that it would before morning came and all she could hope was that everything would clear up so that she could go home and curl up away from the noise and annoyance of such a large crowd. Although, just as she was about to return to reading the boring magazine, her eyes caught a figure that she recognized only from a speech. Cameron Calvert, the humans right activist. Beginning throbs of a migraine or no, Bianca could not pass up meeting him. Setting the magazine aside she stood and walked right up to him, tapping him lightly on the elbow. "Cameron Calvert, right?"

Apr. 1st, 2010


Let me ask you hey, have you heard of my religion?

Who: Tony and Cameron
Where: The hospital
When: so early it's still late. around 3 or 4 AM.

You're gonna go far, kid. )

Mar. 17th, 2010


You are far too devious

Who: Cameron and Liliya
Where: Town Hall
When: 4:00 p.m.ish

You're clever though, I must admit it )

Feb. 3rd, 2010


Stop calling, stop calling. I don't want to think anymore.

Who: Cameron and Lex
Where: Over the phone, each at their respective place
When: Afternoon

Lex was starting to become the running joke around Ad Gustum with the horrible limp in his left leg. One of the girls even thought it was a brilliant idea to leave a cane in his quarters with a note attached saying that, you know, maybe the old vampire could use it to make things better. Yeah, Lex wasn't amused. He could do the whole House impression without a cane, thank you very much. Though at least it wasn't as bad as Monday night. He had returned from Jezebelle's place in massive pain, barely able to walk. Damn bitch was so stupid to think it was a good idea to stab him in the leg with a silver spike. They were fellow Shades! And he was her superior! Fucking woman would pay for that.

While he contemplated on turning her into the elders, Lex had to calm down and focus on himself and healing properly. By the time he returned to Ad Gustum that night, it was too late for earth elemental blood to help him out completely. All it did was make the throbbing sensation less painful. Now he had to rely on his natural healing and some doses of said blood on and off to help with the process. Until then, he was limping around like a Vietnam vet.

Sulking in his quarters, Lex sat on his desk wearing only a pair of baggy pants. Anything tight made the pain worse. He was in the process of re-bandaging the wound, grumbling to himself that the psychobitch would pay for it. Maybe he wouldn't take this to the elders and instead handle it on his own. Either way, he wanted to see the stupid girl suffer immensely for what she did. With that done, he curled up into the chest nearby for some much needed rest. It was the only way he was going to heal up, after all, though he had forgotten to turn his cellphone on the desk off in the process.

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