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Nov. 7th, 2013


Something had to be done

Who: Orion, Odin and Brenda
Where: SOHS barrier
When: late afternoon

They had to do what they could to help. It just worked out that way. )

Aug. 14th, 2012


Hey, kid, are you okay?

Who: Brenda and Orion
Where: SO park, at the playground
When: late afternoon

Orion was not the type of person who was terribly phased by the rain. )

Apr. 29th, 2012


This is madness!

Who: Brenda and Ruthie AND AND AND TWIIIIINS
When: Afternoon
Where: Mall in A2

It was really adorable the way Michiganders thought they were in the middle of a heatwave. Honestly, just precious. The weather was hot and the air was thick, but really, this was the closest thing Ruthie had felt to a temperature her body was used to in a long time. She'd hated to be cooped up inside all day, and when her remaining appointments canceled on her (one of them actually said it was too hot to walk outside to her car, what the fuck), Ruthie had been thrilled for a chance to take off. One of the girls at the spa had told her stores at one of A2's malls were starting to get their fall and winter stocks in, so today seemed like a good day for Ruthie and Brenda to do something they'd absolutely never had to do before.

Shop for cold weather clothing.

After taking a single look around the first store, Ruthie had felt panic rise in her throat. Kapua, her tokay familiar who was sitting on her shoulder, kept laughing maniacally and garnering her odd looks. The only sort of layers Ruthie was used to wearing was a bikini under her shorts and t-shirt. This was... this was... this was just wrong. She stopped in front of a store window and looked at the display mannequins with a look of clear distaste. "I don't understand puffer vests," she announced. "Not even a little. Are my boobs that much more susceptible to frostbite than my arms?" Holy shit, they better not be. If even one nipple looked like it was starting to change colors she was on the first plane back home.